
You can’t hide from an outstanding MA warrant, but you can resolve it. Here’s how.

There are two types of warrants in Massachusetts, arrest warrants and bench warrants. A bench warrant is generally the less serious of the two. These are issued for multiple reasons, including failure to show up at a court hearing or failure to pay child support. Arrest warrants are usually reserved for more serious criminal cases. In the case of a bench warrant, police don’t usually search out and arrest the defendant, but bench warrants are serious matters and should be handled as such. If a bench warrant is issued against you, your name will be entered into a database that can be accessed by all law enforcement at any time. In addition to fines, a bench warrant can put you behind bars. If you have an outstanding warrant, contact a Boston criminal defense attorney today.

You Can’t Hide From a Warrant

Although bench warrants don’t usually result in an active search, they often end up in an arrest. This is because any dealings with the police – even a minor fender bender for which you’re not at fault – can reveal the bench warrant. If a bench warrant remains unresolved, it can also result in the suspension of your driver’s license. Further, you will not be able to renew an expired license until the matter is resolved.

Once you’ve been arrested, things can get complicated, and costly. To be released from custody, you will need to pay bail, which typically covers fines and court costs associated with the underlying offense, as well as for your failure to appear in court. After that, you’ll be given another court date.

Resolve Warrants As Quickly As Possible

To avoid extra costs, court hearings and stress, it’s important to resolve bench warrants immediately. If you are aware of a warrant for your arrest, make arrangements to pay bail as soon as possible. This will usually result in the warrant being canceled, with some exceptions. If, for example, you paid bail but then missed your court date, bail is usually forfeited. However, if the judge is convinced you had a legitimate reason for missing court, you may be able to retrieve your bail money. Alternatively, the judge may credit the bail toward some of your fines. An outstanding warrant has many consequences in MA, but it can be resolved with relative ease if you take the proper steps in a timely manner.

Hire an Experienced Defense Lawyer

If you have an outstanding warrant, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced defense attorney right away. At Altman & Altman, LLP, we will file all necessary motions with the court, appear in court on your behalf, and work with the prosecutor. Contact an experienced Boston defense lawyer today if a warrant has been issued for your arrest.

Altman & Altman, LLP – Criminal Defense Lawyers Serving All of Massachusetts

If you have been charged with any type of criminal offense, we can help. Don’t let an outstanding bench warrant for a minor offense turn into a costly, stressful mess. You can’t hide from a warrant; it will catch up with you eventually. If you have questions about how to resolve an outstanding warrant, the skilled legal team at Altman & Altman, LLP can help. We will analyze the details of your situation and help you determine the best way to move forward. We will appear in court on your behalf, and will position you for the best possible outcome. It is our goal to keep you out of jail and to reduce the financial impact of fines and related costs. If a warrant for your arrest has been issued, we can help. Contact Altman & Altman, LLP today for a free and confidential consultation about your case.


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