
Articles Posted in Federal Crimes


Drug Arrests made in MA -Felony Drug Charges To Follow, Including Trafficking and Distribution

These have been big days for narcotics law enforcement specialists. State agencies as well as Boston’s various local FBI, ATF and DEA agents worked together to bring suspects to court and clients to lawyers. Let’s take Pittsfield first. There, three daytime raids resulted in the seizure of approximately $35,000 worth…


Boston-Area White Collar Suspect Found Guilty Of Embezzlement

Late 2008 and 2009 (so far) may go down in history as one of the worst times nonprofit organizations have had in terms of thievery. The daily Boston Criminal Law Blog has spent a great deal of time discussing the Bernie Madoff nightmare as well as other white collar fiasco’s…


The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Reviews The Madoff Nightmare’s Engagement In Federal Court

Unless you were in media-deprived seclusion yesterday, you have already heard that Bernie Madoff went to court and never went back home. While Bernie adjusts to his new multi-million dollar residence (paid for, like his penthouse apartment, by others), The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog now reviews the star swindler’s performance…


The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Checks In With The Bernie Madoff Nightmare

It’s been awhile since we checked in on the Bernie Madoff, the latest superstar of the Boston-created ponzi scheme. Once a larger-than-life society figure, he is now reduced to spending his time in his larger-than-life New York apartment, talking to his attorneys and hoping to avoid a smaller-than-life jail cell.…


Debate Rages Over Sex For Money/Secrecy For Cash Case(United States Attorney Goes After Prostitute For Mistreatment Of Boston Gentleman, Part Two)

Federal court in Boston has now seen what could be the final act in the drama of the United States Attorney versus The Hooker Who Would Extort. Michelle Robinson (hereinafter, the “Defendant” ) has pleaded guilty to the Massachusetts white collar crime of extortion in return for a rather unusual…


United States Attorney Goes After Prostitute For Mistreatment Of Boston Gentleman, Part One

Hey, guess what? It turns out there are law enforcement officials in Boston who Believe that there are actually crimes more heinous than prostitution! Today, we salute the local United States Attorney’s Office for deciding that extortion is worse than the world’s oldest profession. He (his name has been withheld,…


Madoff Associate And Lawyer Come To Boston As Fraud Probe(s) Continue

As the “Madoff Wars”, fought by investigators, attorneys and accountants, rage, score one for lawyers of the Commonwealth. They finally got Robert Jaffe, a crucial witness to Madoff’s operation, to the Hub where he finally spoke to regulators. The result? Boston regulators are ramping up a probe into Bernard Madoff’s…


Boston Federal Judge chastises United States Attorney For Misconduct

The chief judge of the Boston ‘s local United States District Court is threatening to sanction a federal prosecutor for what he characterized as the latest “egregious failure” of the United States Attorney’s office to disclose evidence that could have helped clear a defendant. Undisclosed, the result could lead to…


Boston Watches As Bernard Madoff’s Criminal Lawyer Tries To Keep Him Out Of Custody

…Meanwhile, back in the Bernard Madoff (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) drama, Magistrate Judge Ronald L. Ellis awaits written argument from the Defendant’s criminal lawyer as to why his client should not be incarcerated while awaiting trial for his artful recreation of the Boston – originated “Ponzi Scheme”. The issues involved are…


North Of Boston Gentleman Possesses Weapons That Any Defense Attorney Could Have Told Him He Was Not Allowed To Posess After A History Beating People With Them

How did you begin your weekend? I began mine by driving to court in Boston, doing other lawyer-like things at the office and then running home to “hunker down”, as the radio told me to do, because of the impending snow. I also dug out my car a couple dozen…

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