
Articles Posted in OUI/Drunk Driving


Framingham Judge Wants DA’s Office to Retry 2006 Drunk Driving Case Because of Possible Judicial Misconduct

Framingham Judge Robert Greco wants the district attorney’s office to retry a 2006 Massachusetts drunk driving case because he says there is evidence that judicial misconduct took place. Earlier this month, Greco denied the DA’s motion to reconsider this order. On January 14, Grego ruled that that there was evidence…


Boston Area Police Officers Approve Of Defense Attorneys When Facing Charges Of White Collar Crimes And Drunk Driving

So far, 2009 has been an active year for certain Boston-area law enforcement officials in terms of legal problems. Take for example Stoughton’s police chief, Manuel, C., 57 (hereinafter, “Defendant 1”), this week appearing beside his defense attorney, standing trial on white collar charges that he tried to use his…


Samuel’s Take: A Boston Drunk Driving Verdict From An Experienced Defense Lawyer’s Files

Happy new year to you all. In each daily installment of the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog, I tell you that, should you have reason to believe that someone is mentally measuring you for a pair of the Commonwealth’s bracelets of shame and a warm cell, you should engage an experienced…


North Of Boston, A Convicted Drunk Driver Believes She Has Gotten A Gift…But Turns Out To Need A Defense Attorney To Go Along With It

North of Boston, Evelyn C., 74, (hereinafter the “Defendant”) thought she had reason to celebrate. Instead, she found that the gift she thought received from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) necessitated a little something extra…namely, a criminal defense lawyer You see, like many of us, she was driving around…


North Of Boston Does Its Best To Catch Up To Boston Proper’s Busy Drug Trade

Taghi T., 28, of Boston, (hereinafter, “Defendant 1”) was awaiting his mail on Wednesday. He did not realize that a criminal defense attorney would need to be involved. Apparently, he should have. Law Enforcement had intercepted the parcel and when Defendant 1 went to UPS in downtown Boston to claim…


Massachusetts State Trooper And Proclaimed Scourge Of Drunk Drivers Accused Of Brutality And Perjury

The Boston Herald reports about what are generally considered a couple of those “dirty little secrets” about the Justice System. They involve rather inconvenient truths that are particularly disconcerting, and so tend to be ignored, in the criminal justice arena. And by the way….they are probably truths you have even…


Massachusetts Bank Robbery Suspects Continue To Engage Police In High Speed Chases And Win… Larger Criminal Sentences

Happy Monday. How did you start your weekend? I hear a lot of people went shopping. At Altman & Altman, LLP., we moved our offices next door. In Fitchburg, Massachusetts, a gentleman had a high speed chase with an officer. As usual, he did not win. He did, however, manage…


Massachusetts Drunk Driver Assaults Police And Faces Charges Of Attempted Murder

Sometimes it’s the opposite of a chase…! Yesterday’s daily blog focused on police chases and attempts by defendants to get away from the scene of the alleged crime. But in Weston, on Route 117 early Saturday morning, Joaovitor R, 18, of Watertown (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) is said to have driven…


Massachusetts Alleged Drunk Drivers And Robbers – Escape Statistics Are In: You Are Losing

North Attleboro, Massachusetts, had more than its fair share of attempted escapes from law enforcement last week. Two such cases graced the hallowed halls of Attleboro District Court last Friday. One case involved some teenagers who led the police on a high-speed chase into the welcoming arms of Rhode Island.…

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