
Articles Posted in OUI/Drunk Driving


North And South Of Boston, Sex Trade Stings Are In Full Swing

As we near Thanksgiving, we look around for reasons to be thankful. True, economic times are tough and getting tougher. However, it would appear that all the violent crimes and drug dealing in Lynn, Massachusetts, has been stopped. No more guns rape, robbery or murder. It would appear that even…


Boston Intoxicated Driver Said To Speed Through Massachusetts Town

Sean G., 20, of Roslindale (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) was out for a drive early Wednesday morning. Normally, that might not pose so much of a problem. However, this time was different. You see, according to the police, the Defendant was drunk. Upon further investigation, he was apparently not even supposed…


Drunk Driving In Massachusetts – Three Stages Of The Criminal Justice Experience

As we head into another weekend…edging ever closer to the holiday season…a reminder about one of the more common criminal justice pitfalls which people tend to experience. Namely, drunk driving. Many cases around the subject of Operating Under the Influence have hit the press this past week. Today’s daily blog…


South And North Of Boston Tales Of Drunk Driving And Providing Alcohol To Minors Come Home To Roost

Massachusetts just voted to change the way we handle the prosecution of possessing a small amount of marihuana. Meanwhile, alcohol still seems to be getting its share of publicity as well. Two recent stories bring the subject of alcohol home. No, literally….home. For example, at approximately 4:30 a.m. this past…


Cousin Reveals Massachusetts Drunk Driver Leaving Scene And Attempting Fraud

We are now announcing a special “family plan” for the “Hey, I’ll Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse” club we have spoken so much of in this daily blog. Lawrence, Massachusetts. July, 2008. A 1997 Honda Civic careens into a fence on Phillips Street. Eduard M., 19, (hereinafter, the…


Drunk Driver, Fifth Offense, Says Prostitute Caused The Accident

You know, I think prostitutes are getting a bad rap this week. Yesterday’s daily blog covered a young lady with a record for prostitution being arrest under…curious…circumstances. Today, we examine a case where a prostitute is blamed for something once again…and not for her chosen profession. It is unlikely to…


Massachusetts Driver On Probation Faces Third Round Of Charges For Operating Under The Influence

David K., 38, of Hamilton, Massachusetts (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) is getting points for consistency – negative points. He has just been arrested for his third alleged occasion of driving under the influence. In fact, he also faces bonus points for violating probation because of the arrest. Currently, he is awaiting…


Boston Driver Creates New Lane And Chaos On Route 93, Adding Multiple Charges To Operating Under the Influence

It would seem that some people are never satisfied. Now that “The Big Dig” is completed, one particular driver was unhappy with the lanes created by the extensive project. Her solution was apparently to create a “speedy-reverse lane”. Siobhan H, 21 years of age and Norwood of residence (hereinafter, the…


Massachusetts State Police Recover Drug Stash After Car Chase And Violent Arrest

Last Thursday night, two gentlemen in Taunton learned that sometimes it is better to quietly accept a motor vehicle citation than to protest, flee and fight, thereby adding a few felony charges to the experience. Enterprise News reports that just before 5 p.m. two state troopers spotted an early-model Infiniti…


Massachusetts Drunk Driver Charged With North Shore Pedicab Accident And Leaving The Scene

The pre-Labor Day Weekend push of commercials warning against operating under the influence did not prevent the collision between an automobile and a pedicab just before the weekend, according to a story published by the Salem News. According to the article, a 20 year old female struck the pedicab just…

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