We are now announcing a special “family plan” for the “Hey, I’ll Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse” club we have spoken so much of in this daily blog. Lawrence, Massachusetts. July, 2008. A 1997 Honda Civic careens into a fence on Phillips Street. Eduard M., 19, (hereinafter, the…
Articles Posted in Theft Crimes
Andover, Massachusetts, Couple Arrested For Internet Crimes Of Harassment, Identity Fraud And Threats
The Ten Commandments had a few things to say about interaction with one’s neighbors. It might have been helpful, however, had they mentioned what would later be named “the internet” and how it would play into things. At least, it might have helped a particular Andover couple. Friday morning, Bill…
North Of Boston, A Robbery Victim Gets Lucky
Here is a cautionary tale out of Lynn, Massachusetts, that could have ended much differently. On Monday night, shortly after 10:00pm, Jackeline H., 26, of Haverhill, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”), earned the Commonwealth’s Bracelets of Shame after an alleged robbery. According to the police, a certain unnamed gentleman (hereinafter, “Mr. Unnamed”)…
Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Fraud Probe Yields White Collar Record Breakers
Have you ever wondered how seriously insurance companies take the possibility of fraudulent claims? In Lawrence, Massachusetts, the city’s auto insurance fraud task force brought charges against nine people last week…all involving the very same two-car accident. One method the task force uses for their investigations is to be on…
Massachusetts Trespassers, Thieves And Adventurers Face variety Of Criminal Charges West and South Of Boston
Today is Columbus Day. As we honor the adventurer who is celebrated as the man who discovered America (although other people were already living here at the time), I think it appropriate that we recognize other valiant efforts at similar discoveries. However, being that this is a daily Criminal Law…
Outstanding Warrants Come Back To Haunt Massachusetts Resident
William Shakespeare once told us that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. His point was “What’s in a name?” A gentleman from Chicopee, Massachusetts, apparently agrees with him. In Chicopee, he is known as Felix Maldonado. In Waterbury, Connecticut, however, he was known as Alfredo “Eddie”…
Western Massachusetts Runners Attempt To Escape Arrests For Shoplifting, Possession Of Stolen Automobile and Parole Violation This Weekend
The “wild west” has long been associated with images of folks making their own rules and bravely trying to tame the frontier. It would appear that two Western Massachusetts gentlemen had similar attitudes…although, according to the police, their actions would be more aligned with untaming than taming the area. Let’s…
Insurance Fraud And Other White Collar Crime Alleged In Salem, Massachussets
Yesterday’s Salem News told of 31 year old Peabody resident Tyler P. According to prosecutors, he is an enterprising young man with a taste for some of the nicer things in life. Unfortunately, they also claim that his methods of financing such things were not so nice. So they went…
Sex For Money For Drugs Drama Has Its Final Act This Friday In Springfield, Massachusetts
Last Wednesday, a Hampden Superior Court jury returned with a verdict in a case of alleged unarmed robbery of a person 60 years old or older. The cast of this particular drama included two defendants. They were Aretha Hallums, 40, and Donald Alford, 55. Cast in the role of victim…
Fruitlands Museum Files Complaint In Worcester, Massachusetts, Claiming A Family Of Bad Apples Embezzled Over One Million Dollars
Did you have a nice weekend? A few Museum Patrons in Hollis, New Hampshire didn’t. According to Friday’s news, a lawsuit has been filed against in Worcester Superior Court that is likely only the tip of the legal iceberg of their problems. Fruitlands Museum has filed a lawsuit against former…