
Articles Posted in Vehicular Crimes


The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Examines Career Criminal And Felonies

Somebody should break the news to Anthony W. Of New Bedford (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) that the criminal justice system does not give extra points for consistency. This Boston criminal defense attorney can tell you, however, that it does give extra time as a lodger in Commonwealth housing. The Defendant has…


Boston Road Drunk Driver Asked, “Do You Want A Lawyer With That Burger?”

Raymond A., 51, of Hampden, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) was hungry. He just wanted a burger. But he was watched by an ambulance driver. Now, he needs an attorney. Springfield District Court was the venue for the Defendant’s little adventure to end. According to law enforcement, he had been driving under…


Domestic Violence Defendant Gets New Charges And Needs Miracle Lawyer

As any regular reader knows, the daily Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog regularly announces membership news of the “Hey, I Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse” Club. Today, to the north of Beantown, we have a new member…who should be national chairman. When he gets out of custody, that is.…


Former Boston Hit And Run Driver Must Have Golden-Tongued Attorney After Driving Drunk

It is time for the “Hey, I’ll Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse” Club to announce its new spin-off organization, “Bet They Nail Me This Time!” I would like to nominate for the BTNMTT initial poster child a certain 19 year old woman, Elizabeth F. (hereinafter, the “Defendant”). Lately,…


North Of Boston Driver Finds That The Alcohol – Cocaine-Driving Combination Makes Prosecuting Attorneys Unhappy

How did you spend your Saturday night last weekend? Well, you can tell me about it (if you really want to call me about that), but a certain gentleman from Boston’s Northern Neighbor, Salem has only his own attorney to tell about it. And, if he wants to get out…


Boston State Police Drop Appeal For Traffic Violation, Ending Defense Attorney’s Confusion

Welcome to Boston, Massachusetts, where there dwells, according to MSNBC-TV commentator Keith Olbermann, his “Worst Person in the World.” (video available at He is State Trooper Michel G. (hereinafter, “PO Nobreak”). And he has one local attorney, other than me, scratching his head in disbelief. PO Nobreak gained unwelcome…


The Battle Between Cruisers And Drivers Continue, Inside And Out Of Boston On A One-Way Road To The Defense Attorney

This Massachusetts Dangerous Driving tale did not begin in Boston…it did not even begin in Massachusetts. But it ended there. In Springfield. In court. With a defense lawyer by his side trying to explain why his out-of-state allegedly reckless client should go home after his arraignment. When 33-year-old Rogelio V.…


Boston-area Law Enforcement Endangered By Drivers Needing Defense Lawyers

It has been a difficult and dangerous time for Boston-area police officers. While perhaps not intentional, recent tragedies and near-tragedies remind us that some of those we represent as defense attorneys often endanger not only themselves, but everyone around them when driving dangerously. Including police officers. Let’s look at two…


Boston Shooting Defendants’ Attorneys Are Successful At Getting Lower Sentences And The Fury Of The Police Department

It began in early January, 2008, when three Boston men were brought to court, introduced to defense lawyers and advised of charges against them. The charges included shooting at a Brockton police officer during a chase from Brockton into Quincy. As is usually the case, the police had won the…


Boston Appeals Court Finds Defense Lawyer in Drive-By Shooting Case Ineffective

On Tuesday, the state Appeals Court, located in Boston, granted Adam N. (hereinafter, the “Defendant”)’s appeal and Ordered that he receive a hearing in a drive-by shooting case in which he had been convicted in 2004. The basis of the ruling was that he had been deprived of a fair…

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