
Massachusetts Man is Sentenced to Federal Prison for Conspiracy to Transport Guns

Nguyen Van Nguyen, a Randolph, Massachusetts man, and his brother-in law Chien Dinh Nguyen will serve time in federal prison for their conspiracy to transport guns conviction.

The two men illegally bought guns from a Georgia pawn shop in Georgia and then transported them to Boston. One firearm was discovered at the scene of a 2006 Dorchester gang shootout. Nguyen and Nguyen paid a third man $100 for each gun.

The two brothers bought 23 firearms. These guns can sell for $900 or more in Massachusetts.

A Bureau of Alcohol agent from the Boston field office said the two men made money by supplying weapons to gang members. Boston investigators, who have been trying to combat gun violence in Massachusetts, testified at the brothers’ trial in Atlanta.

The man who purchased the guns for the two brothers consented to becoming a “cooperating suspect.” He recorded phone calls with the two men. He also wore a body wire during one trip to the pawn shop with Van Nguyen. The cooperating suspect pled guilty to conspiracy to traffic firearms. He is serving five years probation.

A Georgia judge sentenced Nguyen Van Nguyen to 16 years in federal prison. This is not Nguyen Van Nguyen’s first brush with the law. He has been convicted for felonies three times in the past for assault with intent to rob, heroin possession, and assault with a dangerous weapon.

Because of his criminal record, Van Nguyen was facing a mandatory 15-year prison term. Under Federal law, his criminal record categorizes him as an armed career criminal.

Chien Dinh Nguyen’s prison sentence is for 2 ½ years.

According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Massachusetts has some of the toughest gun laws in the United States.

Two men sentenced for trade in guns, Boston.com, February 22, 2008

Related Web Resources:

Brady Campaign praises Massachusetts gun laws, Metrowestdailynews.com, February 1, 2008
2004 Federal Sentencing Guidelines, USSC.gov
Massachusetts Law About Weapons

If you have been arrested or charged with a gun-related crime, one of our experienced Massachusetts weapons possession lawyer can represent your case and protect your legal rights. Contact Altman & Altman LLP today.

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