
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Medford Woman Arrested For Domestic Assault Turned Homicide-Attorney Sam’s Take

There are certain times that tend to promote domestic violence. Assault cases between family members, for example, seem to rise around the holidays. Is it the drinking? The being cooped up with one’s loved ones that makes one want to kill them? This varies. Winter storms, such as the one…


Milford Sleepy Driver Charged With Driving To Endanger – Attorney Sam’s Take

This past year, there was a lot of attention paid to Massachusetts drunk drivers and those who drive negligently. For example, a new law was passed to prevent people from texting while driving. We also had more than our fair share of vehicular homicide cases, including the killing of a…


Fall River Man Released In Boston Murder But Held On Drug Charges- Attorney Sam’s Take

It would appear that Fall River’s Shawn Drumgold, 45, (hereinafter the “Defendant”) has clutched defeat out of the jaws of victory. He was once wrongfully convicted of a 1988 Boston murder. He ended up being exonerated and released. He then even won a lawsuit, and a $14 million judgment for…


Swampscott And Marblehead Explode Into High School Student Violence- Attorney Sam’s Take

Marblehead Massachusetts is not normally thought of as the assault capital of the Commonwealth. Neither is Swampscott for that matter. However, one week ago today, there was an explosion of violence between kids from these towns…complete with dangerous weapons. Now, we are not talking Boston here, so the weapons are…


Chuck Turner Is Sentenced In Boston’s Federal Court For White Collar Crimes- Attorney Sam’s Take

Chuck Turner (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) faced the federal judge yesterday. Finally, after listening to lord knows how many hours from the Defendant, the judge got to have his say. It was sentencing day for the Defendant. The final act of the recent federal trial during which a jury found him…


Boston Governor Proposes The Elimination Of Sufficient Legal Representation For Indigent Defendants- Attorney Sam’s Take

…And as we prance away from acknowledging the realities of the criminal justice system, we dance along with Governor Deval Patrick. His new proposed dance-step bows politely to law enforcement. It’s a nice dance, really. The only people likely to be hurt are the poor and disenfranchised. But then, if…


Boston Police Demonstrate Arrest Procedures In Wake Of Roxbury Juvenile Beating- Attorney Sam’s Take

The Boston Police Department (hereinafter, the “Department”) has taken a large, and very laudable, step forward . They are realizing that if they want to be a trusted, and effective, member of the community, they have to communicate with said community. As you know, there have been various complaints regarding…


Boston Robbery Suspect Gets Robbery Charges Dropped Yet Held On Parole Violation- Attorney Sam’s Take

Well, Gerald M. Hill, 48, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) got good news and bad news yesterday at Boston’s Suffolk Superior Court. The good news? The robbery charges against him have been dropped. The bad news? He’s going back to jail, perhaps for life, anyway. You see, the Defendant was on parole…


Mattapan Suspect Arraigned In Boston Superior Court For Home Invasion And Drugs But Not Murder- Attorney Sam’s Take

It may take awhile for felony prosecutions to come, but, usually, when the police painstakingly take their time in their investigation, suspects emerge. This is being played out in Boston’s Suffolk Superior Court. Kimani Washington, 35 (hereinafter the “Defendant”), has been arrested in connection with the quadruple homicide in Mattapan…


Felony Drug Charges May Be Dropped Against Mom Who Grew Marijuana For Son’s Use- Attorney Sam’s Take

We haven’t talked about drug cases for awhile. As you know, possession of a small amount of marijuana has been decriminalized. However, that does not mean that having it is now problem free. Confused? Well, it depends on the circumstances in which you possessed it. For example, if there is…

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