
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Can a Convicted Domestic Abuser Purchase a Firearm in MA?

Beginning in 1996, federal law made it illegal for any person convicted of domestic abuse to purchase a firearm. But in the more than 20 years since that law passed, countless mass shootings have been perpetrated by individuals with a history of spousal abuse. Recently, a man convicted by the…


PA District Attorney Refiles Most Serious Charges in Penn State Hazing Case

Tim Piazza, a 19-year-old sophomore at Penn State University, died last year due to injuries sustained in a hazing incident. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity, which was supposed to be alcohol-free due to a previous suspension, led Piazza and several other pledges through a hazing ritual dubbed “the gauntlet.” Surveillance…


Know Your Constitutional Rights if You Get Stopped for OUI

If you are stopped on suspicion of drunk driving, you are guaranteed certain constitutional rights. For starters, you have the right to remain silent if you are placed under arrest. Police will generally inform you of this right by reading the “Miranda warning” at the time of your arrest. But…

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