
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Recent Massachusetts Child Rape Cases Lead to Guilty Pleas and Indictment

In Salem Superior Court on Thursday, Louis Walters, a former resident of the state, pleaded guilty to Massachusetts child rape and incest charges. He has been sentenced to eight to nine years in state prison. He faces similar charges related to the same girl in New Hampshire and is expected…


Attorney Sam’s Take: The MA Landscape Of Bullying, Assault and Harassment For Students And Parents

…And so students and their families alike are awakening to the passing of the season. Summer is exiting Massachusetts, and school is beginning. This time, though, things are a bit more serious. First of all, as discussed yesterday, the Boston area seems to be in the middle of a dramatic…


Attorney Sam’s Take: Truth, Witnesses And The Murder Of A Boston Pizza Delivery Man

SPECIAL SATURDAY EDITION This has been a bad stretch for the Boston area in terms of homicides. Police believe they have solved the 43rd murder this year as compared to 38 killings last year at this time. The pizza delivery killing was the fifth murder in Boston in the last…


Boston’s Attorney Sam Sends His Regrets Re: Murder Investigation Into Pizza Homicide And “Truth”

This daily criminal law blog has been short-ciruited today due to internet failure. However, it will reappear tomorrow (yes, even though it is Saturday) with the planned discussion of murder investigations, witnesses and pizza delivery. Oh, yes. And do we mean by “truth” in the criminal justice system? Until then…beware…


Attorney Sam Continues To Discuss Recent SJC Ruling In Murder Appeal And Criminal Investigations (Part Two)

Yesterday, we discussed the mechanics of this matter. Basically, we addressed the difference between a criminal appeal and a motion for a new trial as well as why it may have made sense for the defense attorney, prosecutor and SJC to take the action that they did. I should point…


A Boston Criminal Attorney Discusses SJC’s Ruling In Murder Appeal Motion (Part One)

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (“SJC”), the Commonwealth’s highest court , situated in Boston, has rejected a motion by Calvin C., convicted in the 2005 Bourneside murders,(hereinafter, the “Defendant”) to stay his appeal so that he could seek a new trial based on evidence he said showed he was framed.…


Seminary Student Pleads Not Guilty to Massachusetts Breaking and Entering and Unlawful Wiretap

A 24-year-old Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary has pleaded not guilty to charges of unlawful wiretap and breaking and entering in the daytime with intent to commit a felony. Daniel G. Richards was arrested on Sunday. Richards is accused of breaking into another student’s dorm room and videotaping her without her consent.…


Boston-Based Attorney General Investigates Reported Political White Collar Crime

It would appear that Boston-Based Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office is on the trail of what it believes to be an upcoming white collar criminal prosecution. The target is Representative Brian P. Wallace of South Boston (hereinafter, the “Target”). It has been alleged that he violated fund-raising laws. A spokesman…


MA Convicted Car-Jacker And Murderer Fights Conviction, Blaming Lawyers In Federal Court

The Death Penalty has long been a controversial issue. Nowhere is that more true than in good ol’ Massachusetts. You see, the Commonwealth, like most states, has two criminal justice systems running through it – state and federal. The crime of murder, which often carries capital punishment sentences, is usually…

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