
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


I Have Violated The Terms of My Probation – What Happens Next?

Following a criminal conviction, individuals are sometimes released back into the community with specific restrictions. This system – known as probation – may be served in lieu of, or in addition to, time behind bars. With probation comes an extensive list of potential restrictions, including regular meetings with a probation…


When is “Sexting” a Crime in Massachusetts?

Most people have heard the term sexting by now. It’s a play-on-words, combining “sex” and “texting” to refer to sending and receiving lewd or suggestive images via smart phone or another electronic device. When sexting occurs between two consenting adults, no criminal offense is committed. However, when one or more…


The Punishment for the Crime of Arson in Massachusetts

In the past, arson referred to the crime of burning someone else’s home or property while the structure was occupied. It was intended to protect the lives of anyone who happened to be inside the burning structure. However, the modern definition of arson is quite different. Today, the property being…


Charged with Stalking in MA? – Here’s What you Need to Know.

Stalking and harassment crimes generally involve two people who know each other, often intimately. For this reason, when a person is facing charges for stalking or criminal harassment, he may have been unaware that his behavior had crossed into criminal territory. If you feel jealous or betrayed, you may act…


Burglar Gets 327 Years for Home Invasions and Robberies Targeting Senior Citizens

A San Francisco burglar just received a 327-year sentence for wreaking havoc on the city’s elderly residents. In 2014, German Woods began his criminal spree of home invasions and robberies. The 60-year-old burglar targeted vulnerable senior citizens who lived alone. He would hide in the shadows, attacking as they entered…


Theft, Burglary, and Robbery – What’s the Difference?

Most people use the words theft, burglary, and robbery interchangeably. Although these three property crimes share some similarities, they are distinctly different. They all involve the act of taking or unlawfully entering another’s property, but that’s pretty much where the similarities end. Theft Also known as larceny, theft involves the…


MIT Frat House Cited for Operating as Night Club – Criminal Charges to Follow?

According to Boston police, MIT’s Phi Delta Theta fraternity house was being “operated as a nightclub” on Sunday night, complete with a DJ and strobe lights. The fraternity failed to obtain the City of Boston License Division’s approval, but the problems don’t stop there. Underage drinking, a waterfall pouring down…

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