Okay, here is the unfortunate truth of the matter – safeguarding Constitutional rights does not always bring happy results. Sometimes the cost is tragic. Most of the professionals involved in the criminal justice understand that. Massachusetts Kingston Police Chief Joseph Rebello is not one of those professionals apparently. I am…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Tales Of Robbery, Rape And Drugs Will Return
Dear readers, As you may have noticed, this daily criminal law blog has been rather sparse this week. this has been due to a conspiracy between court dates and internet failures. However, the Bostoncriminallawyerblog will return in full swing on Monday. Here in Boston, we take these things seriously, as…
Former New Bedford Teacher is Not Guilty of Child Rape, Says Massachusetts Jury
A jury has found Michael D. Holden, a former Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational-Technical High School teacher, not guilty of two counts of forcible rape of a child. The alleged victim, who is now 20-years-old, had accused Holden of driving her to a parking lot, and, while in his SUV,…
Boston Drug-Trafficker Is Arrested On Outstanding Warrants And New Weapons + Forgery Charges
Some folks in Boston will go to great lengths to avoid contacting a criminal defense attorney! Take the case of 36-year-old Francis V. (hereinafter the “Defendant”) for example. He wanted to avoid court so much he chose self-mutilation over consulting an experienced defense attorney. The Defendant had a pending drug…
Attorney Sam’s Take: MA Rape, Robbery Or Assault Charges – When To Talk To Police
“Look, you seem like a good kid. Boston needs more people out there like you…productive citizens. I have no interest in jamming you up. Just tell me your side of things and I will talk to the District Attorney and see what we can work out.” You would be surprised…
Couple Accused of Running Massachusetts Prostitution Parlor
A couple has been arrested for allegedly owning and operating a prostitution parlor in Tyngsboro. Yuanchun Pi, 60, and Charles Stewart, 66, each face one count of maintaining a house of prostitution. Pi also is charged with one count of engaging in sexual conduct for a fee. The couple owned…
Attorney Sam’s Take: MA Default – Bench Warrant And Arrest Warrant: What Is The Difference?
Although it seems like the beginning of a horror novel, you know the scene pretty well by now. You are in your Massachusetts home in the evening just relaxing, watching reruns of Boston Legal. The knock come on the door and it is the police. Before you know it, someone…
Whether For Assault, OUI or Any Kind Of Criminal Matter, An Outstanding MA Warrant Means Quick Jail Time- How A Lawyer Can Help
It was 6:10pm of December first and Joshua S., 32, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) may have expected it was dinner-time. It wasn’t. It was arrest-on-outstanding-warrant and meet-your-lawyer-time. The Defendant, it seems, was found in the basement of a home when the Gloucester police showed up and found him. There was an…
Ex-Westboro Teacher and Coach Pleads Guilty to Massachusetts Possession of Child Pornography Charge
A former Westboro middle school gym teacher and girls basketball coach is facing up to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to one Massachusetts possession of pornography criminal charge. Brian Rossi, 37, was arrested last February after images of kids taking part in sexually explicit activities were discovered in…
Bethany P., 21, of Londonderry, N.H. (hereinafter, the “Victim”) will not be returning to her Boston College senior class this week. You see, she met up with a Weston lad’s SUV this weekend. The lad was allegedly Benjamin K., an 18 year old gentleman (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) who the Commonwealth…