
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Attorney Sam’s Take: Investigated/Arrested In Boston – How To Choose A Defense Lawyer

This was not supposed to happen! How could such a thing happen? You’ve lived your entire life without breaking the law. Well, okay, maybe there was that time many years ago… but that’s beside the point. Nobody knows about that. But, now, here in Boston, today, you are going to…


Knife-Wielding Boston Robbery Suspect Is Arrested For Assault With Intent To Murder Charges

On Monday night, a Boston Police Officer, along with his sidekick, a valet, grabbed an alleged knife-wielding carjacker who had robbed a woman of her pocketbook. The chosen victim was a 61-year old female. Now, the suspect needs a good lawyer if he has any hopes of seeing the light…


14-Year-Old Charged with Murder of 4-Year-Old Found in Clothes Dryer

Authorities are charging 14-year-old Raul Renato Castro as an adult in the murder of Alex Christopher Mercato. The 4-year-old disappeared on Friday afternoon while playing outside his home. Police found Mercato’s body the next day. It was stuffed inside a clothes dryer in the house next door. Autopsy results indicate…


Massachusetts Drunk Driving (Fifth Offense) Defendant Returns To Face Warrant

Last night, William T., 61, of Northampton (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) was taken into custody after removing his criminal justice situation from the “Bad” column and placing it solidly under “Worse”. Now, his need for a gifted and experienced attorney has become even more critical. You see, the Defendant was supposed…


Tales Of Guns, Drugs And Mayhem Are Delayed Until Holiday

The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog’s weekly Atty Sam’s Take is unfortunately delayed for one day because of his court schedule. That’s the trick. The treat? The Special Halloween posting will be posted tomorrow, Saturday, on Halloween Day. More fitting that way anyway. Until then, have a good, safe and law-abiding…


Boston Area Psychic Is Arrested For Theft And Fraud

Today, the news comes from just outside of Boston. It is a white collar fraud case that graces our blog and signals the need for a criminal defense attorney. Actually, to avoid conflict of interest problems…make that two defense attorneys. The complainant hails from Cambridge and she alleges that she…


Massachusetts Warrant Leads To Arrest Of Murder Suspect

Felix G., 30, of Worcester (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) is no longer running from the law. That chase ended yesterday in New Jersey as law enforcement caught up with him and now prepare to bring him back to the Boston area, where he will be needing a very good criminal defense…

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