There are few things as controversial as the debate about the right to own a firearm in this country. Gun ownership is a constitutional right, but many people are prohibited from owning one. This is especially true in Massachusetts. Although the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms to…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Been Charged With Criminal Harassment in MA? Here’s What You Need to Know.
The term harassment can be used to define many types of criminal behavior, including stalking and infliction of emotional distress. There is also civil harassment, which is often referred to in workplace contexts. For example, when a female worker is fired because she didn’t respond to her male superior’s requests…
Dealing With Domestic Abuse Charges in MA
People make mistakes, and couples fight. When that fighting becomes physical, criminal charges may follow. But what if you were both drinking and things just got a little out of control; she pushed you and you pushed her back. Nobody got hurt, but in her intoxicated state, she called the…
Reduction in Drug Crime Penalties in Oregon May be “Bellwether” Legislation for National Reform
In 2015, Oregon legalized recreational marijuana. To date, seven states and the District of Colombia have adopted full legalization, and 26 states have legalized marijuana in some form. But what about more serious drugs like crystal meth and cocaine? There are no plans to legalize narcotics in the near future,…
What are the Criminal Penalties for Driving Uninsured in Massachusetts?
In MA, drivers are required to carry liability insurance. The minimum requirements are $20,000 per person for bodily injury, $40,000 per accident for bodily injury, $8,000 for personal injury protection, and $5,000 to cover property damages and a portion of uninsured/underinsured motorist protection. Driving without insurance, or with a policy…
What is the Difference Between Indecent Assault and Aggravated Sexual Assault in MA?
Sexual assault is a serious crime, and MA punishes it harshly. It is loosely defined as the unwanted and offensive sexual touching of another. The type of touching can vary widely; forced penetration is one form of sexual assault, but so is slapping a woman’s buttocks without permission. In the…
Day Care Worker Facing Charges After Child Dies in Parked Van
A horrific tragedy earlier this month reminds us that a vehicle can quickly become deadly on a hot day. Last week, the body of three-year-old Myles Hill was discovered in a parked van at the Little Miracles Academy day care center in Orlando. The little boy, along with several other…
Martin Shkreli Convicted of Federal Fraud
Earlier this month Martin Shkreli, the man who became infamous for jacking up the price of an AIDS medication, was convicted of securities fraud for the mismanagement of investment funds. But even a criminal conviction doesn’t seem to have humbled the 34-year-old pharmaceutical company founder. Shortly after the guilty verdict,…
Department of Justice Forms Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit
Addiction to opioid pain killers has reached epidemic proportions. In fact, some studies estimate that more deaths are caused by opioids, such as oxycodone and OxyContin, than motor vehicle accidents in the United States. The government and law enforcement agencies nationwide are struggling with how to respond to this ever-growing…
I am an attorney who has fielded this question on many occasions for more than 25 years. Individuals call our firm from all over the Country and even the world, requesting advice and service to clear up their warrants. Having an outstanding warrant can prevent you from renewing your driver’s…