
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Attorney Sam’s Take: Arrested For Drug Possession In Boston – What Do You Do? Part One

So, you were out last Saturday night in Boston, enjoying the ten minutes or so that it was not raining. You figure you will celebrate with the herb of your choice. After all, this is 2009 and you can just light up some marijuana you have in your pocket and…


Arrested For Assault, Battery And Child Endangerment, Massachusetts Mom Loses Children And Freedom

The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog has discussed many cases which involve elements to which law enforcement and the courts are particularly sensitive. Today’s posting involves one such class of victim, namely, children. In this case, it is the mother who faces criminal charges. As the prosecutor told the court last…


Boston Wonders If Doctors Will Be Arrested For Homicide In Michael Jackson’s Death

Between press conferences that threaten to bring the Professor Gates’ arrest for disorderly conduct back into headlines, Boston joins the rest of the world in watching the latest Michael Jackson thriller. This time, it features potential clashes between the legal and medical professions and may well end up starring over…


A Defense Attorney Reviews The Evidence As Youths Are Arrested For Robbery And Assault

While we were all watching the recent episodes of “The Professor And The Officer”, did you know that other arrests were taking place? It would appear that even more violent crimes than disorderly conduct were still being committed around the Boston area and defense attorneys were being assigned or retained…


Was Michael Jackson’s Death a Crime? Investigators Search Home of Pop Star’s Personal Physician

Investigators are going through the Las Vegas office and residence of Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s personal physician. The search is part of their probe into whether or not criminal charges will be filed in the death of the pop star. The King of Pop, 50, died on June 25,…


Criminal Defense- When A Client Is Charged With Disorderly Conduct

As we close the lid on this three-part Attorney Sam’s Take posting on Disorderly Conduct, we look at where I come in. Along with other criminal defense attorneys, I stand ready to represent a client facing such charges. When is the best time to contact me? Immediately. In fact, particularly…


Attorney Sam’s Take: Arrested In Boston For Disorderly Conduct (Part Two)

As a Boston-area criminal defense attorney who has worked on both sides of the aisle, I have been doing a lot of talking lately about Disorderly Conduct arrests in the Commonwealth. I have been interviewed by media outlets out of state, such as the L.A. Times as well as national…


Racial Profiling?: Middlesex District Attorney Drops Massachusetts Criminal Charges Against Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Massachusetts criminal charges have been dropped against Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Gates was arrested on July 16 at his home in Cambridge. The 58-year-old Harvard professor, who is one of the most prominent African-American scholars in the US, had just returned home from a trip abroad. He was…

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