It is Thursday and so, as any regular reader of the daily Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog knows, it is time for another Attorney Sam’s Take discussion about an area in the law which effects those who have found themselves involved in the criminal justice system. Today we examine the truth…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Boston-Area “Crime Club” Actions Result In Charges Of Breaking And Entering And New Clients For Cambridge Defense Attorneys
Every once in a while, a news story prompts me to admit something about my personal life. This is one of those. The confession is that I grew up loving comic books, or, as they are now called, “graphic novels”. Given the popularity of superhero movies of the last several…
Billy Bob Thornton’s Daughter Charged with Child Neglect in Death of Baby
Police have charged Amanda Brumfield, movie star Billy Bob Thornton’s 29-year-old daughter, with child neglect causing harm or disability. The criminal charge stems from the death of a toddler that she babysat last October. The baby was 1. Brumfield reportedly told police that the baby she was taking care struck…
Boston-Area Drug And Theft Suspects Are Arrested After Police Investigations Despite Differing Approaches
Two Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorneys have new clients resulting from their dealings with local police departments this past weekend. The two men handled the situation differently, but both methods ended in the same place…custody. First there was the adventure of Randy G., 25 of Boston (hereinafter, “Defendant 1”). Defendant1 indicated…
Criminal Jury Trial For Drug Sale AndManslaughter Ends; Jury Returns Verdicts Of Guilty And Not Guilty
As last week ended, many of us were still preparing for the summer weather which seems to taunt us in the Boston area every few days. Other, less mundane, issues were consuming the thoughts of Robert L. of Gloucester (hereinafter, the “Defendant”). He and his defense lawyer were awaiting a…
Amherst Teenager Found Not Guilty of Explosives Charges
In Hampshire Superior Court, a Massachusetts jury acquitted 19-year-old John Robison of charges that he set off explosives to intentionally cause injury or property damage. If convicted, the Amherst teen could have been sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. Formal charges against him included one count of setting…
Sports Star’s Future Is In Danger As He Is Arrested For Domestic Assault And Battery
Yesterday’s Boston Globe contained the story of a “standout” high school football star who now is not looking for a talent scout, but a criminal defense attorney. While he had been scheduled to bring his athletic prowess to college, his future is now in doubt due to allegations of demonstrating…
Got Guns? A Boston Criminal Lawyer Discusses Firearms Possession In The Commonwealth
I remember years ago, before I was a lawyer, growing up in the Boston area and hearing commercials about what happens if you are arrested for possessing a gun. “If you are caught with a gun”, I recall it saying, “you will go to jail for one year…and nobody can…
Boston-Area Dogs Assist Law Enforcement As Both Canine Police Officers And Crime Victims
Dogs are considered “Man’s Best Friend”. In the Boston area, though, they are particularly close with “man” involved in criminal prosecutions. After almost a quarter century as an attorney, I can finally see the day coming when I may have to cross-examine a pooch. A number of cases this very…
Massachusetts Arrest Warrants Issued for Missing Clinton Attorney After She Fails to Appear in Court For Divorce Settlement Proceedings
In Massachusetts, state and federal judges have issued arrest warrants for the capture of Cynthia Dziurgot, a Clinton attorney who has disappeared. Dziurgot, who owes her ex-husband almost a million dollars, failed to appear at bankruptcy and probate proceedings this month. Now US Marshals are looking for her. Foul play…