
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Charged with a Misdemeanor in MA, but Live Out of State?

A misdemeanor is a minor criminal offense, but it’s a criminal offense nonetheless. As such, a misdemeanor conviction may result in hefty fines, jail time, and a criminal record. Facing a misdemeanor charge can be scary, especially when it originates somewhere other than your home state. If you were charged…


Common Sense Always Prevails to Avoid Getting Charged with OUI in Massachusetts this Summer

Summer is time for relaxation and fun. If you take that fun too far, however, it can result in a number of less-than-fun consequences, including charges for criminal offenses such as OUI, disorderly conduct, or assault. You may even find yourself behind bars. Follow the tips below to have fun,…


Michelle Carter Suicide-by-Text Manslaughter Trial Continues

In 2014, then-17-year-old Michelle Carter allegedly encouraged her 18-year-old boyfriend Conrad Roy IIII to commit suicide. She did it through text. Earlier this week, Carter’s manslaughter trial commenced, with prosecutors arguing that the now-20-year-old Plainville woman’s texts urged Roy to take his own life. Both Carter and Roy had a…

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