
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Investigations Continue Into Robberies And Murder – Boston Police Give One Suspect Video Fame, The Other Cuffs And A Lawyer

As 2008 comes to a close, the Boston Police Department are still pursuing suspects, wherever they might be. Two such investigations have focused a spotlight on those sought in attempts to give them a warm place to stay for the holidays and a lawyer to talk to for company. One…


Defendant’s Lawyer Argues That Boston Area Client Who Killed Boyfriend Is The Victim

Slightly north of Boston, this week began with another romantic entanglement that spilled into the halls of justice. This time, it was substantially more tragic than our tale in yesterday’s daily blog. This time, somebody died. The prosecutor says that the killer is a criminal. Her defense lawyer, however, says…


Boston Area Nanny Accused Of Kidnapping Baby, But It Is Not Her Who Needs The Criminal Lawyer

It may be that the Boston area is simply a dangerous place for a nanny. Several years ago, we had that case in Cambridge where a British nanny was accused (and, actually, convicted) of killing a baby. The case made international headlines. She did have an extremely experienced criminal lawyer…


Pelham, Massachusetts Police Chief Pleads Not Guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter in 8-Year-Old’s Uzi Death

Pelham Police Chief Edward Fleury has pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter in the death of the Christopher Bizilj. The boy, 8, died after he accidentally shot himself with an Uzi at the Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo in Westfield, Massachusetts. He also pleaded guilty to four…


Call His Defense Attorney – Outside Boston Warrant Collector Is Back!

You know, it is not just Metro Boston law enforcement who know how to investigate. They are all trained to do it. That is why I keep telling you not to try to outwit them because you are not likely to succeed. Keep quiet, comply and get a criminal defense…


Love, Drugs, Sex, And Violence Outside Of Boston – Defense Attorney’s Needed

Lack of good judgment, while not a crime in itself, easily causes arrests. Here are two stories from the Boston area which illustrate this point and show how bad judgment can be expensive in the way of time, money, stress and the overall need for a defense attorney. Beverly Police…


North Of Boston, A Convicted Drunk Driver Believes She Has Gotten A Gift…But Turns Out To Need A Defense Attorney To Go Along With It

North of Boston, Evelyn C., 74, (hereinafter the “Defendant”) thought she had reason to celebrate. Instead, she found that the gift she thought received from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) necessitated a little something extra…namely, a criminal defense lawyer You see, like many of us, she was driving around…


North Of Boston Gentleman Possesses Weapons That Any Defense Attorney Could Have Told Him He Was Not Allowed To Posess After A History Beating People With Them

How did you begin your weekend? I began mine by driving to court in Boston, doing other lawyer-like things at the office and then running home to “hunker down”, as the radio told me to do, because of the impending snow. I also dug out my car a couple dozen…


16-Year-Old Massachusetts Murder Victim’s 13-Year-Old Half Brother is One of the Suspects Charged with His Slaying

In Massachusetts, two Cape Cod teenagers and an adult were arrested for the murder of 16-year-old Jordan Mendes. Kevin Ribiero and Mykel Mendes, who are both 13, were charged with armed robbery and murder in juvenile court. Robert Vacher, 20, was charged with armed robbery and first-degree murder as an…


The Love-lorn North Of Boston Come To Blows And Need Defense Attorneys

In the north of Boston, there is a little city called Salem, Massachusetts. Salem is a fun place with its own claims to excitement. A number of years ago, for example, we used to hang people for being witches. Next to Salem, is Lynn. Perhaps for more mundane reasons, Lynn…

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