
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Cousin Reveals Massachusetts Drunk Driver Leaving Scene And Attempting Fraud

We are now announcing a special “family plan” for the “Hey, I’ll Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse” club we have spoken so much of in this daily blog. Lawrence, Massachusetts. July, 2008. A 1997 Honda Civic careens into a fence on Phillips Street. Eduard M., 19, (hereinafter, the…


Prosecutors Dismiss Case Against Britney Spears Following Mistrial in Her Driving Without a Valid License Case

Prosecutors say that they are dismissing the criminal case against Britney Spears, who was charged with driving without a valid license. The news comes after a mistrial was declared in her case on Tuesday, following a jury deadlock of 10-2 in favor of acquitting the pop star. The case is…


Boston Red Sox Nation Is Quiet; Assaults, Malicious Destruction and Disorderly Conduct Move To Other Areas

…Gee, and it seemed like such a controllable Commonwealth. The Red Sox faced the ultimate test again Sunday night. And failed. Sorry ’bout that. But, Boston officials had braced for any resulting outcry of emotion that might…overflow… into violence; they warned everybody to stay away from Kenmore Square, the area…


Andover, Massachusetts, Couple Arrested For Internet Crimes Of Harassment, Identity Fraud And Threats

The Ten Commandments had a few things to say about interaction with one’s neighbors. It might have been helpful, however, had they mentioned what would later be named “the internet” and how it would play into things. At least, it might have helped a particular Andover couple. Friday morning, Bill…


Drunk Driver, Fifth Offense, Says Prostitute Caused The Accident

You know, I think prostitutes are getting a bad rap this week. Yesterday’s daily blog covered a young lady with a record for prostitution being arrest under…curious…circumstances. Today, we examine a case where a prostitute is blamed for something once again…and not for her chosen profession. It is unlikely to…


North Of Boston, A Robbery Victim Gets Lucky

Here is a cautionary tale out of Lynn, Massachusetts, that could have ended much differently. On Monday night, shortly after 10:00pm, Jackeline H., 26, of Haverhill, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”), earned the Commonwealth’s Bracelets of Shame after an alleged robbery. According to the police, a certain unnamed gentleman (hereinafter, “Mr. Unnamed”)…


Caylee Anthony’s Mother is Indicted for Her Murder

The mother of Caylee Anthony, the 3-year-old girl who has been missing since June, has been indicted for her daughter’s murder. Casey Anthony was arrested on Tuesday after police officers saw her switch cars on a highway. An Anthony family spokesperson says that Casey was about to turn herself in…


Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Fraud Probe Yields White Collar Record Breakers

Have you ever wondered how seriously insurance companies take the possibility of fraudulent claims? In Lawrence, Massachusetts, the city’s auto insurance fraud task force brought charges against nine people last week…all involving the very same two-car accident. One method the task force uses for their investigations is to be on…

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