
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Students who Sell “Study Drugs” Such as Adderall and Ritalin can Face Serious Criminal Penalties

We know that it’s not uncommon for college students to experiment with drugs. It’s the types of drugs they are experimenting with that may come as a surprise. Drugs like Adderall and Ritalin are commonly referred to as study drugs because they help users stay focused. These medications are usually…


Arrested for Cocaine Possession or Trafficking in Massachusetts?

When it comes to drug possession and sales, cocaine is one of the leading illegal drugs in Massachusetts. Due to the violence and other associated crimes surrounding cocaine use, distribution, and trafficking, MA has become increasingly tough on cocaine charges. Whether in powder or rock form, getting busted for cocaine…


Quincy Police are Cracking Down on Distracted Driving

If you’re driving through Quincy, you may want to think twice before picking up your smart phone or other handheld device. Effective Friday, April 6, Quincy’s police department has launched a crackdown on distracted driving as part of a larger, statewide effort to make MA highways safer. Quincy police will…


College Students Arrested Selling Xanax to Undercover Officers

Chicago’s DePaul University recently made headlines for something its administration likely hopes will soon be forgotten. Four of the university’s students have been arrested for attempting to sell over 100 Xanax pills to undercover officers. The transactions, which took place on four separate occasions over the last few weeks, are…


What are the Penalties for Prescription Drug Fraud in Massachusetts?

As the cost of prescription medication continues to rise, so does the rate of prescription drug fraud. Although most prescription fraud is related to the abuse of prescription drugs, more and more people are committing this criminal offense to obtain medication they couldn’t otherwise afford. That being said, the lion’s…


When a Family Argument Escalates… Understanding Domestic Violence Charges in MA

Also known as domestic abuse, domestic violence charges are aggressively prosecuted in Massachusetts. To understand how to handle these charges, it’s important to first understand what constitutes domestic violence. In MA, domestic violence includes almost any crime of abuse that is committed by one household member against another. Types of…


Two Found Gulity of Conspiracy on the George Washington Bridge

In September 2013, officials linked to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie used their power to abruptly close lanes on one of the world’s busiest bridges, the George Washington, for four days. Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie’s former deputy chief of staff and Bill Baroni, former deputy executive director for the Port…


What Does It Mean To Be Charged With Criminal Battery In Massachusetts

The words “assault” and “battery” are usually used together to describe the criminal act of physical violence, or the threat of physical violence, against another person. These two words have distinctly separate meanings. However, they also have many similarities and often occur together. While assault can involve just a threat…


Charged With Embezzlement in Massachusetts – What Are The Possible Punishments?

We’ve all heard the term embezzlement in the news and in crime movies, but most people don’t know what it actually means. If you’ve been accused of embezzlement, you may be unsure of what your charges entail. Embezzlement is a form of theft, but it’s much more specific than shoplifting…

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