Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick signed new legislation in 2014 dramatically changing the way domestic violence is penalized in MA. The new law, An Act Relative to Domestic Violence, created two new crimes: domestic assault and domestic assault and battery. A MA criminal defense attorney can help you determine how…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Will Federal Enforcement of Marijuana Use Impact Recreational Pot Smokers in MA?
In December, 2016, Massachusetts joined the growing list of states who have passed the legalization of recreational marijuana. As in the other states, recreational use is still illegal at the federal level, but the Department of Justice has been fairly hands-off, up until now. The Trump administration may increase federal…
What Are the Most Commonly Committed Crimes in Massachusetts?
If you commit a crime in Massachusetts, you may find yourself in court, paying hefty fines, and possibly even doing time in jail or a state prison. Maybe you’re a first-time offender and your crime was an honest mistake. Maybe you have an extensive criminal record. Whatever the circumstances of…
Commonwealth of MA Moves to Reform the State’s Criminal Justice System
On February 21, Governor Charlie Baker filed a bill as part of an effort to reform the criminal justice system in Massachusetts. “Over half of the people leaving our Houses of Correction and state prisons wind up back in the court system at some point after their release,” Baker said.…
What is Vehicular Homicide and What Are the Penalties if I’m Charged With this Crime in MA?
In Massachusetts, if you fatally injure another person while recklessly or negligently operating a motor vehicle, you may be charged with vehicular homicide. The severity of the charges you’re facing will be largely dependent on the unique circumstances of your case. For example, if you were committing a minor, misdemeanor…
Town Seeks to Increase Mall Security After Gang-Related Shooting at South Shore Mall
Following a shooting that occurred at the South Shore Plaza earlier this month, town officials are meeting to discuss how to improve security at the mall. The meeting between South Shore’s General Manager Rick Tonzi, the town’s mayor Joseph Sullivan, and Chief of Police Paul Shastany is not the first…
The Real Life Consequences of a Drunk Driving Conviction in MA
It’s common knowledge that getting behind the wheel when you’re intoxicated is a bad idea. But determining whether you’ve had too much to drink isn’t always as cut and dried. In Massachusetts, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent is above the legal limit. If a large man has…
Latest Facts and Figures About OUI on America’s Roadways
In many ways, OUIs don’t discriminate. Rich or poor, young or old, male or female, white, black, Hispanic, or Asian, no group is immune to getting arrested for OUI. There is one group that accounts for more OUIs annually in the US than any other – young, white males. The…
The Differences Between Vehicle Theft, Carjacking, and Joyriding in Massachusetts
In MA, the act of stealing a vehicle may be classified as motor vehicle theft, carjacking, or joyriding. Vehicle theft is costlier than all other property crimes combined. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a total of 721,053 vehicles were stolen in 2012, accounting for a nationwide loss of…
Breath Test Defect Proves That Breathalyzers Aren’t Always Reliable
A manufacturer of alcohol breath testing equipment used across the state of Massachusetts is conducting an inspection of several hundred breathalyzers following the discovery of a defect. On February 3, Draeger Safety Diagnostics testified that the machines in question were improperly programmed, resulting in the use of an incorrect value…