Child abuse is a crime, there is no question about that. But what about the failure to report child abuse? If you suspect that a child has been abused, do you have to speak up? Is failing to do so a crime? It depends. Mandated Reporters Certain people are required…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Is It Possible To Get My Bail Lowered?
Bail is a type of payment—or the pledge to make a payment—in exchange for being released from custody. The defendant is temporarily released, but agrees to return to court when ordered to do so. As long as the defendant shows up at court as agreed, bail money is returned once…
Are There Any Exceptions to the Miranda Rule?
The Miranda rule, more commonly known as the “right to remain silent,” goes as follows: You have the right to remain silent; If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law; You have the right to consult with a lawyer and…
In finishing this 3-part-blog, we turn away from police officers and video tapes. Those specifics were not the point that I think is vital to be made. I read on, as well as several other venues, the story of Sonja Farak (the “Chemist”) and her tale of woe. She…
Were You Arrested for Possessing a GHB, Ketamine, Special K ? You May Be Facing these Penalties
The crime of rape, whether committed by someone the victim knows and trusts or a complete stranger, often involves alcohol or other drugs. Women who have had too much to drink are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault and rape, including date rape. Although certain drugs come to mind when the…
The Death Penalty for Drug Dealers?
As some advocate for more lenient drug laws and rehabilitation instead of punishment, the Trump administration is suggesting that the best way to fight the opioid epidemic in this country is to execute drug dealers. According to White House officials, Trump has shown particular interest in Singapore’s policy of capital…
Martin Shkreli Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Securities Fraud and Conspiracy
Martin Shkreli gained notoriety in 2016 by spiking the price of a life-saving HIV drug by about 5,000 percent. Dubbed ‘Pharma Bro,’ he later found himself in hot water for committing investment fraud. Although his lawyer was pushing for less than 18 months, Shkreli was recently sentenced to seven years…
Common OUI Defenses in Massachusetts
In MA – and all states – a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent or higher will likely result in an OUI or DWI conviction. If you happen to be under 21 at the time of your arrest, you can be convicted if your BAC is .01 percent. And…
As we continue our voyage through the seasons, at the rate of a season a day, let’s continue with our discussion begun last week. A recent article in the Boston Herald, , discussed the recent run of videos which reveal the underside of law enforcement officers which most people would rather…
Charged with Cocaine Possession or Distribution in MA?
Cocaine is one of the most heavily-trafficked illegal drugs in Massachusetts today. Unfortunately, cocaine possession, trafficking and distribution are often associated with gang activity and other forms of violences. As such, even possession of a small amount of cocaine can land you in prison. Cocaine is regulated at the state…