As this Boston criminal lawyer begins his 52nd year of life, I return to a question which has plagued the jury system since its onset. Namely, what should a jury hear? Many people believe, as we discussed in my last blog, that the rules which govern what evidence can get…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
A Boston Criminal Lawyer Discusses Potential Evidence In Woburn Murder Case (Part Two)
Yesterday, the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog began its discussion about the Massachusetts murder case of Lauren Astley (hereinafter, the “Deceased”). The gentleman accused of the crime(s) is 18-year-old Nathaniel Fujita (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) We looked at the Woburn bail hearing which took place, including the prosecutor’s representations as to what…
A Boston Criminal Lawyer Discusses Bail Hearing In Woburn Murder Case (Part One)
Nathaniel Fujita (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) has been charged with the Wayland murder of his ex-girlfriend, Lauren Astley (hereinafter, the “Deceased”). The 18-year-old Defendant has been charged with a number of crimes, including first-degree murder. The case is pending in Middlesex Superior Court in Woburn. The body of the 18-year-old Deceased…
A Roxbury Homicide Witness Is Subpoenaed To The Grand Jury And Then Murdered
As this Boston criminal lawyer returns to his five-blog-a-week post (after a bit of vacation time), I came across a story which is not supposed to happen. We see it all the time, of course, on television and in the movies, but, miraculously enough, it does not happen all that…
A Boston Criminal Lawyer Returns To Discuss Medford Home Invasion And Murder Charges
Good morning. This Boston criminal lawyer is back after a few days out of town. Sorry about the missed blogs. I try to get 5 per week up there, but the week kind of got away from me. I do hope you had a great, safe and law-abiding weekend, though.…
When speaking to MA Police, nothing is off the record- A Boston Criminal Lawyer’s view.
In my last blog, we discussed Boston’s Supreme Judicial Court’s new ruling in the case of Commonwealth v. Tremblay. I used this case to cap off about a week of blogs concerning Massachusetts search and seizure issues. Through my experience as a Boston criminal lawyer, I have seen how the…
Boston’s SJC Upholds Misleading Police Interrogations In Massachusetts Criminal Investigations
This week in the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog, we have touched upon various issues involving Massachusetts search and seizure. Since I started this daily blog, I have warned you that, when performing a criminal investigation, police officers are allowed to mislead and, indeed lie, to a suspect. A short time…
24 Arrested in Boston for Drug Dealing and Possession of crack, cocaine and heroin.
As a Boston criminal lawyer, I have seen many joint agency criminal investigations. Sometimes law enforcement is looking for gun possession or trafficking. Recently, there was a large inter-state operation regarding the creation and distribution of child pornography. The one we discuss today involves Massachusetts drug crimes. There has been…
A Boston Criminal Lawyer Discusses Criminal Investigation And Homicide Charges in NH’s Death Of 11-Year-Old Girl
The tragic results of the search for Celina Cass, the 11-year-old girl from Stewartstown, N.H. was announced earlier this week. After a nearly weeklong search, dive teams found the missing girl Monday about a quarter mile from her home. Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said the girl’s death was suspicious…
Dorchester Driver Of Special Needs Van Faces Charges Of OUI And Drug Possession
In my previous blogs, I have told you that similar cases do not always receive similar treatment. As a Boston criminal lawyer for many years, I have seen this play out. Sometimes, it has angered me…sometimes I have been grateful. Let’s see what you think about this one. Let’s look…