Attorney Sam’s Take On Massachusetts Criminal Appeals Your worse fears have been realized, The jury’s foreman has announced that the jury panel has found you guilty as charged. Your Boston Criminal Lawyer turns to you and murmurs that it is “not over yet” and that he will be filing an…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
A Boston Criminal Lawyer Discusses A New MA Appellate Issue
Luis Melendez-Diaz (hereinafter, the “Petitioner”) has been convicted of being a Massachusetts drug dealer. This took place quite awhile ago. However, his case did not end after trial. There was an appeal. The appeal went on to change the face of Massachusetts criminal trial procedure…to a point. You see, the…
Amesbury Man Is Charged With Possessing Marijuana With Intent To Distribute In Newburyport District Court
32-year-old Michael Makiej of Amesbury (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) was in Newburyport District Court Monday. He has been charged with Massachusetts drug crimes and the drug at issue is marijuana. He maintains his innocence. The Defendant’s problems arose, as often is the case, when a criminal investigation began without his knowledge.…
Massachusetts Man Threatens Arson And Is Sentenced In Hate Crime
Sometimes, as we look across the globe (the round one, not the newspaper), we are appalled at the hatred and inhumanity that we see. Why, just look at the recent matter in Norway. Anders Behring Breivik is grabbing his 15 minutes of fame (or infamy) by his various statements after…
Massachusetts After-Effects Of Juvenile Love And Sex-Offender Assault Cases
Ok, I admit it. Sometimes, the extreme heat can even effect experienced criminal defense attorneys. Yes, even in Boston, although we generally never have to face temperatures that feel like over 1000 degrees as we did last Friday. The point is, though, that although I was able to handle my…
Massachusetts Juveniles At Risk In Romance, Retribution And Criminal Charges
As you know, one of the purposes of this daily criminal law blog is to warn people of the realities of today’s criminal justice system. Chief among those who need the warnings, but often do not realize it, are our kids. While today’s story was originally meant for what the…
Cambridge Man Of Ethics Faces Federal Charges For Computer Crimes And Stealing Scientific Papers From MIT
Cases of cyber crimes seem to be hitting the headlines a lot these days. Take Aaron Swartz, 24, of Cambridge (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) for example. He was a fellow at Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics until quite recently. Now, he is facing allegations that he committed federal…
Martha Vinyard Man Faces Assault And Battery With A Dangerous Weapon Charges For Attack On Alleged Sexual Predator
You have seen it in the movies. Sometimes, at the end of the film, you walked out angry. Sometimes feeling exhilarated. It is the tale of the vigilante. The vigilante who goes after the unmistakable “bad guy” and, maybe even, rescues the innocent victim. Usually, how you feel depends on…
Arlington Man Needs An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer To Face Drug And Stolen Merchandise Charges After Criminal Investigation
Sometimes, as most police agencies know, things are not simply what they appear to be. Take the case of Louis Gersh (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) for example. The Defendant ran a second-hand store on Warren Street in Arlington. Little did he know, however, he had been under a Massachusetts criminal investigation…
South Boston Federal Detention Hearing For Catherine Greig Continues – Want To Know Why?
Yesterday was another day in the Whitey Bulger/ Catherine Greig Follies (hereinafter, the “Follies”). It was Day Two of the bail hearing for Ms. Greig, during which time witnesses with absolutely nothing relevant to say were given the chance to throw verbal barbs at the couple-at-issue as the court decides…