
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


Boston’s Top Judges Move To Close MA Courthouses And Limit Judges

Massachusett’s top judges, the Supreme Judicial court, among others, (hereinafter, the “Judges”) are based in Boston. And they are not happy. Angered at the budget cuts approved Monday, they have urged Governor Deval Patrick to stop appointing new judges as they now already have to close 11 courthouses and lay…


Boston Police Officer Allegedly Lies To Police Investigators And Faces No Criminal Charges

South Bosotn’s Whitey Buldger’s new attorney, J.W. Carney, Jr., has been heard explaining to the media that the government has had 20 years to prepare his client’s case for trial and that he has had the matter for (at the time) 5 days. From Boston’s Federal District Court to school…


A Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses Whether You Need A Lawyer At A School Disciplinary Hearing

Most Massachusetts schools are now closed for the summer. For some students, however, the ability to attend class ended long before the end of the school year. It is a problem that is not merely local, but national as well. Take 15-year-old Nick S, for example. Nick was by all…


South Boston’s Whitey Bulger, Casey Anthony And Innocence

Blasphomy! Yet, I heard it myself on WBZ radio this morning! Yesterday, the Casey Anthony jury in Florida shocked the nation, if not the world, by delivering a verdict of “Not Guilty” after her widely watched trial. Not guilty of killer her two-year-old daughter, Caylee. Not guilty of all the…


South Boston’s Whitey Bulger Faces Homicide Charges And FliesThe Unfriendly Skies

You know, when addressing to things like the long-sought capture of alleged mob kingpin Whitey Bulger, one really has to laugh sometimes at what captures the media’s attention. As you may recall, last week was a big one for Whitey (hereinafter, the “Defendant”), He had just been captured after evading…


A Boston Criminal lawyer Watches Whitey Bulger Case’s Initial Theatrics

IF you thought you heard me weighing in on wbz radio yesterday about my last blog’s subjected matter…you were right. All afternoon long! Somehow, issues like the right to counsel is important to me. No matter what we think of a particular criminal defendant. And this defendant, although fascinating, is…


South Boston’s Whitey Bulger Needs Experienced Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney

In case you missed it, James “Whitey” Bulger (hereinafter, “Whitey”), the long-sought reputed mob boss of Boston, was arrested and brought back home last week. Home for Whitey was South Boston. Standing there now, of course, is Boston’s Federal Court…which promises to house a great deal of the rest of…

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