Over the past year, Massachusetts motor vehicle laws have changed a bit. For example, we now have a law against texting while driving. Apparently, our neighbor to the south, Rhode Island, would like to take anti-text laws a step further. In fact, the legislatvie battle is on to create a…
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog
Attorney Sam Announces That The Massachusetts Criminal Justice System Is Fixed
It was an incredible day yesterday. I went to various locations doing my thing and learned that, apparently, everybody had been reading the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog and actually taking it to heart! I should have known something was up when I went to drop off my son at school.…
MA State Police Still Investigate The Kidnapping And Murder Of Grafton’s Holly Piranien
Seventeen years ago, an unspeakable tragedy happened. It began with the disappearance of a 10-year-old-girl named Holly Piranien. It ended with news of a Sturbridge kidnapping and, apparently, a Brimfield murder. Holly had gone out to play with kittens while her family was on vacation. Her skeletal remains were found…
Mattapan School Bus Driver Turns Traffic Citation Into Motor Vehicle Crimes
How many times have I said it? “All it takes is one very bad day…or bad moment…or bad decision. Mattapan’s Edwin Depeize, a 63-year-old bus driver ( hereinafter, the “Defendant”) had one such moment yesterday morning. According to reports, the Defendant, a school bus driver, was stopped by law enforcement…
The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Reviews Nickelodeon’s Anti-Bullying Efforts
It would appear that “kids’ media” is growing up. And the ball they are up at bat to strike is bullying. Massachusetts bullying, New York bullying and Everywhere, U.S.A. bullying. The cable channel, Nickelodeon, is the most-watched television network among kids ages 2 to 14. Half of young people ages…
Cape Cod Charity “Angel” Is Indicted For Massachusetts Theft And Other White Collar Crimes
As Boston’s White Collar Crime Convicted Ex City Councilman Chuck Turner goes off anything-but- quietly into the federal sunset for three years, the state government’s sites now turn south. Now, Gina Clark, the controversial founder of the defunct Cape Cod charity Touched by Angels is in the prosecutorial sites. A…
Woburn Woman With Suspended License Leads Massachusetts Police On Chase…And Loses
Poor Louise Nelson! The 49-year-old Woburn woman (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) must have missed my approximately 450 blogs warning people about involuntary indoctrination into the “Hey, I Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse!” club. You see, the Defendant apparently had a suspended Massachusetts driver’s license. One usually does not need…
Springfield Arson And Related Hate Crime Conspiracy Is Brought To Trial In Federal Court
These days, it seems that crimes are prosecuted based upon two things. The first, of course, is the criminal activity itself. Sometimes, however, the motivation behind the crime is an Aggravating factor that is almost a crime unto itself. Take, for example, the tale of Michael Jacques (hereinafter, the “Defendant”)…
Massachusetts Violent Crimes Are Down…Who Is Responsible?
Sometimes, the themes portrayed in graphic novels (the new name for comic books which sounds so much more impressive) very closely resemble those we see in daily life. Take, for example, the saga of the “Amazing Spider-man“. For those of you ignorant of his story, he was created years ago…
The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Discusses Cross-Examination, Insanity And New England Murder
On Friday, we began talking about the testimony of New Hampshire murder suspect Christopher Gribble (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) on direct examination. I told you that I would discuss his cross examination today. As I also told you, I am not expert on New Hampshire law. I must say, however, that…