
Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog


The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog Discusses A Gruesome New Hampshire Murder , Insanity And Direct Examination

It is too bad that there are no awards shows for the criminal justice system. A couple of years ago, The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog began presenting virtual memberships to the “Hey, I Bet I Can Make This Situation Worse!” club. Maybe we should revisit it. In the meantime, however,…


Newton Man Fires Gun Into Store And Needs Massachusetts Criminal Attorney -Fast

Hello. How is your Saint Patrick’s/Evacuation Day going? Various Massachusetts policepeople are particularly on guard today against people who might stereotypically drink alittle too much. Folks do strange things when they are drunk, and this blog has discussed many such incidents. One incident today, however, leaves many wondering if the…


Massachusetts Convict, “Clark Rockefeller”, Adds The Charge Of Murder To His Prior Accomplishments Of Kidnapping And Assault

You might think that the new charges being brought against the man who calls himself “Clark Rockefeller” is likely to be called “The State of California vs. Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter”. It is likely, however, to have the subtitle of “Clark Rockefeller vs. Christia Karl Gerhartsreiter”…particularly if he has any thought…


Criminal Defendants From Medford To Milton Learn Lessons About OUI, Assault And Dangerous Weapons

Yesterday, Wayne Leduc, 40, of Milton (hereinafter, “Trooper Crasher”) pleaded not guilty to charges of drunk driving and operating to endanger and went home after posting bail. One would hope that he was not his own transportation home, Either way, he had better be careful out there. Simply put, it…


Dorchester Gentleman Is Sentenced To 30 Years In Federal Prison For Intimidating Witnesses In Drug And Attempted Murder Matters

We have discussed the matter of witness intimidation many times on this blog. This blog’s main purpose is to peel back the curtain of mystery on our criminal justice system and how it impacts you. For example, I have often pointed out how broad a law may be applied in…


Foxboro Seeks New Bill To Prosecute Drunken And Disorderly Conduct

Foxboro is apparently tired of public drunkenness. And, as we all know, when we decide we are against something…we push to make it illegal. Even if it already is basically illegal!! Folks in Foxboro are now pushing to outlaw public drunkenness. The move is supported by many, including the parents…


Chelsea Man Is Found In Hospital And Arrested For Murder And Assault With Intent To Murder– Attorney Sam’s Take

Chelsea Massachusetts was the scene of a violent bloody altercation on Friday. Oscar Guttierez-Nunes, a 27-year-old Chelsea man (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) has been arrested and charged in said altercation. By the end of the altercation, one man was apparently dead and two others were wounded. One of those injured remains…


Melrose Driver In Lynnfield Accident Is Arrested For OUI, Drug Possession And Motor Vehicle Homicide – Attorney Sam’s Take

Wiilliam J. Halpin III, a 25-year-old Melrose man (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) is likely not looking toward this week with glee. According to the Commonwealth, he was a bit too gleeful Friday night. Self-induced narcotic-type of gleeful. In other words, he is accused of driving his SUV under the influence of…


Appeal To SJC Successful As Court Overturns Failure To Register Conviction For Boston Serial Sex Offender – Attorney Sam’s Take

It’s stories like this that helps me love what I do for a living; you just never know what is going to happen next! Just when we see debacles like the one surrounding the Parole Board because of a recent police killing, and we see the predictable scurrying about by…

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