Anna Tang, a 20-year-old Wellesley College student is being held without bail following her arraignment today at Massachusetts’s Cambridge District Court in the stabbing of her ex-boyfriend, a 19-year-old student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Tang is charged with home invasion and armed assault with intent to murder. The Middlesex district attorney’s office says that the MIT student woke up in his dorm room and found Tang stabbing him multiple times.
The couple had dated romantically several months and broke up three weeks ago. At that point, the relationship allegedly turned violent. Tang allegedly sent her ex-boyfriend threatening e-mails and then stabbed him this morning after breaking into his room. She was apprehended soon after. Her jacket was had blood all over it and she had a black folding back knife in the backpack she was carrying.
The victim is at local Boston hospital where he is being treated for his injuries.
Supporters of Tang have called her “meek and mild mannered.” Tang’s dangerousness hearing is scheduled for October 30.
Dangerousness Hearing
In Massachusetts, a dangerousness hearing is set up to determine whether letting a defendant out of jail on bail would be dangerous to others in the community. A large bail amount can be imposed if the person is considered dangerous. A judge can also order that a defendant be held without bail until the trial if there is no way to guarantee that others are safe if the defendant were set free. A person released on bail can also be remanded into custody until the trial if he or she violates any conditions of release.
In Massachusetts, a conviction of assault with the intent to murder means that the defendant acted with malice and actually intended to murder the victim. With this type of charge, the prosecution must prove that the defendant actually meant to commit murder. The maximum prison sentence for this type of crime is 10 years.
Wellesley student accused of stabbing former boyfriend at MIT,, October 23, 2007
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Enforcement of Orders; Criminal Proceedings, The Massachusetts Court System
Chapter 4. Criminal Complaints,
If you have been charged with a felony crime in Massachusetts, you should speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney right away. A good criminal defense lawyer can investigate the charges against you and provide a defense for why you shouldn’t be convicted of the charges. A good defense attorney can be the difference between spending years in prison or being cleared of the charges against you.
Altman & Altman LLP is a criminal defense law firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts that has successfully represented criminal defense clients in counties throughout the greater Boston area. We would like to offer you a free consultation to discuss your case. Contact Altman & Altman LLP today.