This past Monday’s posting of the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog was about a gentleman who elected the “self-help” approach to criminal justice.
It did not end too well for him.
Today’s posting demonstrates that taking said approach as a family does not work out any better than when acting solo. One could also argue that it is why this daily blog should be required reading…but that’s another issue.
This time, the place was Rockland. Michelle C., 41, of Rockland (hereinafter, “Mommy Defendant”) and her son, Jason R., 24, of Abington (hereinafter, “Sonny Defendant”) were arrested on Easter Sunday for allegedly assaulting an 18-year-old Scituate man, stabbing him twice, during a dispute.
The dispute was about clothing.
According to Rockland Lt. Barry Ashton, Sonny Defendant and the alleged victim were formally friends. They had planned to meet to exchange some clothing. You see, the complainant had a Miami Heat basketball jersey in his possession that belonged to Sonny Defendant and Sonny Defendant had a hat that belonged to the complainant.
The defendants parked a white van several houses away from the home of the complainant’s sister. The complainant and an acquaintance walked over to the van but, according to Ashton, an argument started between the complainant and Sonny
Defendant, who left the van.
Apparently, a fight ensued and, according to police reports, Mommy Defendant left the van to help her son in the fight the complainant.
The complainant was stabbed twice during the fight, Ashton said, once in the elbow and once in the back Continue reading