A new year is just about dawning! There is a new administration coming in to lead the country! Even our Cambridge office is moving (next door)! Let’s face it, people are on the go!
And, as goes “the people”, so goes the criminal justice system.
For example, let’s look at the case of the “Traveling Brawl Show” which opened its tents this week. It had a relatively short run, though. It ran from the evening hours of Tuesday to the morning hours of Wednesday, starting in Dennis, Massachusetts and ending in Hyannis.
It was not a “feel good” type of show, though. The star of the show, Patrick D., 27, of Dennisport (hereinafter, “Defendant 1”) performed the last act solo amidst charges of assault and battery on a police officer, assault and battery, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.
The touring group began around 9:30pm on Tuesday at a Christy’s in Dennisport. A customer mentioned to the store’s assistant manager that a fight was underway near the dumpster to the rear of the store. The employee looked out and saw about 10 people fighting, including one with a baseball bat.
The assistant manager called the Dennis police. Meanwhile, the fight moved to the middle of Route 28, stopping traffic. The participants fled when Dennis police cruisers arrived.
According to court documents, the altercation allegedly led to two men being beat with one or more baseball bats and to the stabbing of Defendant 1 ‘s brother. The injured were taken by others, including Defendant 1 , to the hospital.
Later that night, Officer Barrette was dispatched to the hospital to stand by the victims while Dennis police were en route to take statements. Hospital security guards took Barrette into an office to observe the people who had arrived with the injured.
The officer said he saw a man run into the emergency room lobby being chased by Defendant 1 . The man stood behind a hospital guard, but Defendant 1 allegedly still punched him.
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