Well, Tuesday’s Boston Herald was not exactly complimentary to the medical profession on Tuesday as far as criminal justice goes. At least two reports of sex offenses were reflected therein. Of course, that was not the only profession so tarnished. In fact, it would appear that the news is full of such allegations from sports figures to teachers to…well…just about every profession.
For example, take the case of Boston’s Children’s Hospital’s own Dr. Richard J. Keller. This 56-year-old Andover resident has been a much respected physician specializing in pediatric cancer. Unfortunately, he has now also been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography.
While the indictment is new, the charges really are not. He was arrested back in September and has apparently consented to be held without bail pending trial. He is also said to have struck a voluntary agreement with the state Board of Registration in Medicine to cease practicing medicine.
According to the seven-page indictment, authorities say Keller was into watching videos of young boys severely mistreated.
Meanwhile, the Commonwealth’s neighbor, Connecticut , apparently has an interesting kinda-sorta medical man in custody in connection with a more…creative…sex crime.
Actually, “kinda-sorta” in this case means “not at all”.
And that is the problem. Well, At least PART OF the problem.
Mr. David E. Anderson, 44, is now an involuntary guest of the state, held on $500,000 cash bail here in Massachusetts. Mr. Anderson is a resident of Newton, Connecticut, but apparently had an affinity for Massachusetts women. He is accused of luring women to his Salisbury beach location, passing himself off as a doctor and performing invasive examinations.
While secretly video-taping the examinations, of course.
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