In Middlesex Superior Court, the attorney for three plaintiffs that are accusing Massachusetts State Senator James Marzilli of sexual harassment has filed an action requesting a civil rights injunction. The injunction would operate like a restraining order and carry a penalty of up to 10 years in state prison if he is ever convicted of assaulting a woman once the injunction were issued.
Marzilli has been indicted of accosting a person of the opposite sex. He was arrested after he allegedly went up to several women on June 3 in Lowell and asked them for sex or tried to grab them. Police apprehended him following a pursuit on foot. The incidents occurred when he was in Lowell on official business.
Shortly after his arrest, Marzilli was hospitalized at McLean Hospital and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He was indicted earlier this month on charges of annoying and accosting people of the opposite sex, indecent assault and battery, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct.
In an unrelated incident in May, Middlesex County prosecutors said they would not file criminal charges against him following an investigation into charges filed by a woman accusing Marzilli of touching her inappropriately without her permission. Just this week, two other women came forward to file a sex abuse lawsuit against Marzilli. One woman is accusing him of lewd sexual conduct while another woman claims that she woke up in his guestroom to discover the senator on top of her.
Massachusetts Civil Rights Injunctions
The Massachusetts Civil Rights Act allows for an injunction to be issued for individuals that are the victims of intimidation, threats, or coercion because of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, country of origin, or disability. A person that violates a civil rights injunction can end up in jail. The penalty may require time in state prison if someone gets hurt.
Two more allegations,, July 15, 2008
Related Web Resources:
2 more woman allege harassment by Sen. James Marzilli,, July 16, 2008
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