Massachusetts Catholic Priest Arrested For Stalking Conan O’ Brien

A Stoneham, Massachusetts priest was arrested in New York last week for allegedly stalking NBC talk-show host Conan O’Brien. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has suspended Reverent David Ajemian, 46.

Ajemian allegedly sent threatening e-mails and letters to the television host’s house and office, went to the studies where the host’s nightly show is shot, and contacted O’Brien’s parents. Ajemian was arrested while trying to enter a taping session of “Late Night with Conan O’Brien.”

Ajemian was arrested on charges of stalking and aggravated harassment. He could face up to one year in prison if convicted.

Ajemian, like O’Brien, is a Harvard graduate. In his letters and e-mails to O’Brien he would sign his name using the moniker “Padre.” In one note, he called himself one of O’Brien’s “most dangerous fans.” Ajemian also referred to himself on more than one occasion in his letters as “your priest stalker.” He also has allegedly posted hundreds of messages as Padre009 on an NBC online message board that focuses on the “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” show.

Under Massachusetts law, the definition of stalking includes the willful and malicious acts that are conducted over a period of time to purposely annoy or scare a person and cause them significant personal distress, as well as making threats or acting in a threatening way that a victim fears for his or her life or physical safety. Stalking can take place in person, over the telephone, or via Internet, fax, or regular mail. The maximum prison sentence for stalking if convicted in Massachusetts is five years.

Stalking is a serious criminal offense and can cause severe long-term emotional and physical harm to the victim and his or her friends and relatives.

1.4 million people in the United States are stalked annually. Both men and women can be stalking victims. Celebrities are easy targets for stalking because they are exposed to millions of people that they don’t know through film of television.

Just because you have been arrested for stalking someone does not mean you are guilty of the charges.

Priest faces charges of stalking TV late-night host O’Brien,, November 8, 2007
Police Arrest Boston Priest for Stalking Late Night TV Host Conan O’Brien,, November 8, 2007
Chapter 265: Section 43. Stalking; punishment, Massachusetts Stalking Law,
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The People of the State of New York Against David Ajemian, the Smoking Gun
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