New York Governor Eliot Spitzer To Resign Over Allegations Connecting Him to International Prostitution Ring

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer says he is resigning from his position following allegations that he was involved with an international prostitution ring. Spitzer had once served as a prosecutor and New York Attorney General and had built his reputation on prosecuting high profile white collar criminal cases against Wall Street securities companies. He also went after prostitution rings. In 2006, 69% of New York voters elected Spitzer as their governor.

On March 10, the New York Times web site published an article saying that during a federal wiretap, Spitzer is heard making arrangements to meet a prostitute in Washington D.C. Referred to as “Client 9,” in the federal affidavit, Spitzer allegedly paid $4,300 for this sexual encounter with a hooker named “Kristen.”



Sources say that Spitzer may have spent tens of thousands of dollars to cover the costs of sexual meetings with prostitutes. He allegedly requested prostitutes from the international prostitution and money laundering ring, called the Emperors Club, at least eight times.

Federal prosecutors are not saying whether they plan to file criminal charges against Spitzer. His attorneys reportedly are trying to negotiate a plea agreement to avoid prosecution. Four people, linked to the “Emperors Club,” have already been arrested.

At a press conference today, Spitzer expressed remorse for his “private failings.” He said he was stepping down from politics for the “common good.”

Prostitution is illegal.

Under the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 272: Section 53A:

Section 53A. (a) Whoever engages, agrees to engage, or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee, or whoever pays, agrees to pay, or offers to pay another person to engage in sexual conduct, or to agree to engage in sexual conduct with another natural person, shall be punished by imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than 1 year or by a fine of not more than $500 or by both such imprisonment and fine, whether such sexual conduct occurs or not.

Spitzer Quits as New York Governor; Paterson Elevated,, March 12, 2008
Deeply sorry,’ Spitzer to step down by Monday,, March 12, 2008
Massachusetts Law About Sex, Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries
Related Web Resources:

Read the Complaint (PDF)

Statement from Governor Eliot Spitzer , March 10, 2008
New York Governor, New York State
A sexual crime conviction of any kind is a serious matter. If you are under investigation or have been charged with any kind of sexual crime, it is important that you hire a criminal defense lawyer to protect and defend you. Our Boston sexual crimes attorneys represent clients throughout Massachusetts.
Contact Altman & Altman LLP today.

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