If you are at least 21, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher can result in an OUI arrest in MA. The limit for under-age individuals is .02 percent (basically, zero tolerance). Licensed commercial drivers (CDL holders) have a limit of .04 percent. If police suspect that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol during a traffic stop, you will likely be asked to submit to a breath test.
Different Strokes for Different Folks
Alcohol is metabolized at different rates for different people, and based on a variety of factors. These include your gender, weight, the type of alcohol you consumed, how quickly you consumed it, and whether or not you drank on an empty or full stomach. With so many variables, it is impossible to determine your BAC without a tool designed specifically for that purpose. Even one alcoholic beverage, consumed quickly by a person with a small build – on an empty stomach – can result in an unsafe level of impairment. The best way to avoid an OUI is to always have a designated driver if you plan to drink.
If a breath test indicates that you are above the legal limit, you may be placed under arrest. Although breath tests – commonly referred to as breathalyzers – sometimes provide inaccurate readings, an over-the-limit result is compelling evidence that you were driving under the influence. This is especially true when a reading is particularly high.
Can I Refuse the Breath Test?
You can decline to take the test, but there are serious repercussions for refusing, including a minimum six-month license suspension. Even so, it may be in your best interest to refuse a breath test. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem. You will have a better chance of having your OUI charges dismissed if there are no incriminating breath test results and you have solid legal counsel. If the charges are thrown out, your attorney will likely be able to remove the penalties for refusing as well.
If you do submit to the breath test and your reading is over the limit, an experienced Boston OUI defense attorney may still be able to get your charges dismissed. Breath test results are frequently off by up to .02 percent in either direction. If you were barely above the legal limit, a skilled lawyer should be able to present multiple defenses against your charge. That being said, attempting to defend an OUI charge without legal counsel can have severely negative consequences. Don’t make the mistake of trying to go it alone. The right attorney can be the difference between a conviction and a clean record.
Per Se State
Under Melanie’s law, if a breath test registers higher than the legal limit, you are legally presumed to be impaired. MA is a “Per Se” state, which means that over-limit breath test results provide per se evidence of legal intoxication. Therefore, if you agree to the test and the results are over the legal limit, you are presumed to be operating under the influence. In such a case, it is essential to have an experienced Massachusetts OUI defense attorney by your side. Continue reading