The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog acknowledges that this was a bad weekend for Craigslist. Of course, some others would be quick to suggest it was a bad weekend for escorts. Let’s just say it was an eerily coincidental weekend for alleged criminals who prey upon Craigslist advertisers.

Remember the so-called “Craigslist Killer” from around a year ago? Well, before we hit the update on that particular gentleman, let’s discuss what may be his protégé…Luther H. (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) a man from Brockton. He is accused of robbing a female (alleged) escort at gunpoint after arranging a meeting with her through Craigslist, a classified advertisement website.

Although arraigned on August 5th for the July 9th incident, the Defendant’s tale hit the list of the infamous this past weekend. Plymouth District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz announced that the Defendant and his temporary ladyfriend had agreed to meet to exchange sexual services for pay at a “predetermined location”. Said location was apparently a vacant house.

At said house, the Defendant is said to have surprised the escort by what he pulled out. It was a gun. He then allegedly ordered her to strip and restrained her using zip-cuffs. Next, the Defendant asked his complainant-to-be what possessions she had for him to steal, to which she replied that her valuables were in her car.

According to Cruz, the Defendant stole the victim’s money, purse, laptop, and cellphone from her car.
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Luther M. Henderson has been arraigned on charges of Brockton, Massachusetts armed kidnapping, armed robbery, and witness intimidation. The 35-year-old man is accused of robbing a female escort that he had contacted through Craiglist at gunpoint.

On July 9, Henderson allegedly offered to pay her for her sexual services. At the house where they were to meet, he allegedly held her at gunpoint, told her to take her clothes off, made her put on zip-cuffs, and stole her money, laptop, purse, and cellphone from her car.

Henderson is also under investigation in connection to another Massachusetts armed robbery crime, also involving an escort contacted through Craigslist. The woman was also told to take off her clothes before her kidnapper stole from her.

Massachusetts Kidnapping
The crime of kidnapping in Massachusetts involves the illegal and forcible imprisonment of someone against his or her will. The kidnapping can occur within the state or involve taking someone out of state. A conviction for Massachusetts kidnapping comes with a maximum 10-year prison sentence-15 years, if the victim is younger than 16. A conviction for armed kidnapping comes with a mandatory 2 ½ year sentence if the case goes through the district courts. If it goes through the superior courts, then conviction comes with a 10-year prison sentence. Kidnapping another person with the intention of extorting money comes with a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Craigslist Escorts are Robbed,, August 14, 2010
Brockton man accused of making Craigslist escorts strip naked at gunpoint before robbing them, Patriot Ledger, August 13, 2010

Related Web Resources:
CraigsList Massachusetts

The General Laws of Massachusetts
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Hey, the weather this weekend is supposed to be really nice. Are you looking for a fun activity for a summer’s evening here in Boston? Well, might the Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog suggest an evening at the fights?

No, I am not referring to wrestling or boxing or even a movie like “The Boxer” or “Rocky XVI”. Given the popularity of reality television, it is more in that vein. Sort of like a cross between that and watching some domestic violence…without the domestic.

If you would like a sample, just tune in to YouTube,, or any one of a variety of websites sporting a video of a recent performance in Boston’s own Chinatown.

In watching it, you will be joining with Boston’s Finest. Currently, Boston police are reviewing a video that is circulating on-line of a violent altercation in Chinatown. Interest aside, there is apparently no investigation being conducted into the melee.

The 2-minute, 33-second video shows a group of seven gentlemen who appear to be harassing drivers and assaulting cars as they pass on Tyler Street in Chinatown.

Well, everybody has to have a hobby…!
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Christina H., 23, of Acton (hereinafter, the “Defendant”), was arraigned yesterday, beside her attorney, in connection with the death of her 13-month-year-old son. She pleaded not guilty to charges that she beat him to death inside her Great Road home this past May..

She was held without bail.

Prosecutors say that the Defendant called 911 around 4:30 a.m. on May 12th, 2010, and reported that her son had fallen out of the crib and hit his head. The child was taken from the Defendant’s home and rushed to Emerson Hospital in Concord. It was there that the child was pronounced dead at 5:17 a.m.

The boy’s death has since been under investigation by Acton and State police, prosecutors say. Police learned that the night before he was killed, the boy was home with his mother and two-year-old sister.

“He appeared to be happy, healthy and playful. That night he had fed himself cheerios and drank a bottle before going to sleep at 8 p.m.,” law enforcement has indicated. However, an autopsy found the child suffered “multiple contusions, lacerations, internal bleeding and hemorrhages on the top of his head.”
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Unlike most nonfamous civilians, when a celebrity is charged with a crime, the case tends to make national headlines. In recent celebrity news, TV actor Charlie Sheen reached a plea agreement to resolve the domestic violence charges against him.

The 44-year-old actor was initially charged with second-degree assault and menacing and criminal mischief last December following an altercation with wife Brooke Mueller. Under the plea deal, Sheen is pleading guilty to a misdemeanor third-degree assault count and will serve his 30-day jail term in a Malibu jail. He must also attend rehabilitation. Time that the actor has already spent in rehab will be factored into his sentence.

Sheen must also complete 36 hours of domestic violence treatment and three months of unsupervised probation. The actor’s sentence will allow him to return to the set of his show “Two and a Half Men” in time for filming of the new season.

In another celebrity criminal case, actress Lindsey Lohan was released from jail after serving 13 days of a 90-day sentence. She was immediately sent to rehab. TMZ says she is being treated for an amphetamine addiction and for bipolar disorder.

Lohan had violated probation for a 2007 drunk driving charge because she did not show up for alcohol education classes. Her jail sentence was reduced because of an early-release program that combats overcrowding in the Los Angeles jail system and for good behavior. The 24-year-old movie star has admitted that she has an alcohol and drug problem.

Charlie Sheen to serve Aspen ‘jail’ term in Malibu rehab, CNN, August 4, 2010
Lindsay Lohan Released From Jail Into Rehab, ABC News, August 2, 2010
Charlie Sheen arrested on felony charges in Aspen, Colo., Los Angeles Times, December 25, 2009

Related Web Resources:
Celebrity Crimes, Yahoo News
Plea bargain, Cornell University Law School
Massachusetts Probation Service Fact Sheet, The Massachusetts Court System Continue reading

Former Massachusetts Turnpike chairman Matthew Amorello (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) has fallen into ever-deepening holes of trouble on the criminal justice battlefield. First, he was arrested for drunk driving this past weekend. Well, not really just drunk driving. There are apparently other charges levied after he allegedly smashed into parked cars and tried to flee the scene despite the fact that one of his tires was off.

After a night of what the authorities call “sleeping it off” at the station, the Defendant was told he had to attend his arraignment in Haverhill court yesterday.

He didn’t.

And so it was that a Haverhill District Court Judge issued a default warrant for the man who once oversaw one of the largest public works projects in the state’s history…the Big Dig.
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The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog is so proud to announce that, thanks to local law enforcement, the good people of Fall River can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that they have once again been kept safe by intrepid police work.

By this, of course, I refer to the brave and brilliant criminal investigation that has led to the arrest of 24 foul demons for the crime against nature known as prostitution.

Yes, I am referring to the most recent prostitution sting win which 23 unknowns and a Fall River City Councilor have been arrested and are being brought to justice. With these dangerous criminals off the streets, the authorities can now focus on the lesser crimes of homicide, rape and drug trafficking.

After all, as we have often heard, there are only so many resources to go around…!

The science behind such police operations has been discussed before in this blog. Generally, it involves having a female police officer dress and prance in a sexually provocative manner so as to entice men to inquire about the possibility of paying for sex with her. Thus located, these offenders are snatched up as if by a Venus Fly Trap and awarded the Commonwealth bracelets of shame.
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The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog has discussed the seemingly newly “in vogue” crime of striking police officers with motor vehicles. Usually, these collisions turn out to be accidental. Sometimes, under the law, they are seen as either deliberate acts or the results of drunk driving.

For some reason, this summer has seen it almost become an epidemic.

The latest such alleged driver hails from Franklin and is 25-year-old Ari C. (hereinafter, the “Defendant”). The incipient happened this past Tuesday in Franklin. Apparently, she had even been told by an on looking construction worker that she had struck the officer.

She is said to have apologized and driven off.

Of course, since Tuesday, more news about the Defendant has surfaced. According to the Boston Herald, she is an “accused hooker who violated her probation“.
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A fine and dutiful lass from Quincy got into a bit of trouble yesterday at the local district court. Now, after trying to pass some contraband to her boyfriend, through his lawyer, she needs an attorney herself.

Melissa A., 20, (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) found herself in the Commonwealth bracelets of shame after she allegedly smuggled a hypodermic needle into the courthouse in her bra as part of a scheme to pass heroin and cigarettes to her jailed boyfriend, police said.

You see, the Defendant is said to have approached her boyfriend’s defense attorney and asked him to deliver a bulky envelope to the man, who was in the court lockup awaiting a probation violation hearing, said Quincy police Capt. John Dougan. The attorney, perhaps concerned about the envelope, presented it to court officers instead.

Inside, the officers found heroin, cigarettes and hypodermic needles, Dougan said.
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One thing that you get enough of as a Boston criminal lawyer is human drama. An example is the 10-year-old boy who accidentally fatally shot his cousin in 2007 in Roxbury. He has now testified at the trial of the boy’s mother, who is now facing an involuntary manslaughter charge for not properly storing the gun used in the shooting.

At the time of the incident, he was 7 years old.

The boy began his testimony with smiles…but that soon changed as he recalled the day at issue.

He recounted that he had been watching TV with Liquarry J., 8, (hereinafter, the “Deceased”) when the Deceased showed him the gun that he said belonged to his teenaged half-brother .

“I asked him if there were bullets in the gun. He said, ‘No,'” the boy said.

“I did it by accident,” he said.
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