With so many people taking to the roads this holiday weekend, local and state police will be on the lookout for motorists that appear to be driving drunk. According to AAA Southern New England, there will likely be a 5.4% increase in travel this Memorial weekend over last year, with 32.1 million travelers headed somewhere. Many of these people will be in cars, motorcycles, buses, and trucks.
If you are arrested for Massachusetts DUI, DWI, or OUI, it is important that you speak with an experienced Boston criminal defense law firm that knows how to successfully represent clients charged with drunken or drugged driving. These are not the type of charges that you should take lightly. A conviction for drunk driving or driving while under the influence of drugs could increase your insurance rates, restrict your right to drive, and land you in jail. These consequences can impact your ability to make a living, complete your studies on time, or keep you away from your loved ones.
If someone was injured or died in a drunk driving accident that you are charged with causing, the penalties and sentences can be extremely severe. A conviction for Massachusetts OUI causing serious bodily injury can come with a 10 years maximum prison sentence. A Massachusetts OUI motor vehicle homicide conviction can carry a maximum 15 years in prison.