Another teenager has pleaded guilty to charges she attacked a 13-year-old girl. The assault was shot on video and posted on YouTube.
Footage shows two girls shouting at and hitting another teen while other students stand by, cheering and laughing. The attack was allegedly planned in advance. The 3-minute video was removed from YouTube after the victim’s mother complained that it was posted on the site.
In December, one of the juveniles pleaded guilty to aggravated battery. She will receive her sentencing this month. The second teen pleaded guilty to a charge of mob action. Prosecutors had initially charged her with aggravated battery. Her criminal defense attorney noted that his client is very remorseful and that this is a one-time incident.
Massachusetts Juvenile Crimes
Teenagers make mistakes and sometimes those errors in judgment can land them in juvenile court. If this happens, it is important to retain an experienced Boston juvenile crimes lawyer who can protect your child’s legal rights and achieve the best outcome possible. A Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer can defend your son or daughter against the charges or negotiate a plea agreement that can decrease detention time or lead to less harsh punishments. There may be grounds for dropping or reducing the charges.
You want to do everything possible to make sure that your child’s future opportunities are not compromised by a conviction.
Second Girl Pleads Guilty to YouTube Attack,, January 8, 2010
1 girl pleads guilty in Lombard attack posted on YouTube, Chicago Tribune, December 10, 2009
Related Web Resources:
Juvenile Court Department, Massachusetts Court System
The Juvenile Court System, Massachusetts Bar Association Continue reading