..And now, let’s check in with the Bernard Madoff case, as we periodically do in this daily blog. You remember 70-year-old Bernie…admitted white collar criminal mastermind of the Boston-created Ponzi scheme that ended up bilking about fifty billion dollars from philanthropies, hospitals, rich people, poor people, charities, etc., across the country and, indeed, the globe.
When last we left Bernie, he and his lawyer were trying to prevent the government from convincing the court to have him await trial in jail instead of being in a probationary state in his luxury apartment. Guess what? He won that round.
You may recall I had predicted that, with a catastrophe this large, the finger of accusation would not be satisfied with just one man. Well, those who were supposed to have been regulating people like Bernie have been lounging around in the hot seat. But, now, it is someone else’s turn.
Robert Jaffe was a 64-year-old business associate of Bernie’s. He helped raise millions of dollars for Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities (BMIS) from Boston and Palm Beach’s wealthy social sets. He was vice-president of Cohmad Securities, a brokerage that was 20 per cent owned by Madoff. Cohmad paid commissions to financial advisers who steered cash to Madoff’s fund. He is also the son-in-law of Carl Shapiro, 95, a Boston philanthropist who is said to have lost $545 million invested with Madoff.
There are a number of investigations going on, both criminal and civil, regarding the Madoff Nightmare. Mr. Jaffe is currently being sought for his turn in the limelight. Unfortunately, he does not seem to want to go.
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