Massachusetts lawmakers are assessing a number of bills aimed to place harsher restrictions on sex offenders. Today’s Judiciary Committee meeting comes just a few weeks after Cory Saunders, a high-level sex offender. raped a 6-year-old boy at a New Bedford public library. Saunders was charged with indecent assault and battery on a child under 14 and the rape of a child by force. In 2001, he was convicted of assault and battery on a child and child rape .
Issues tackled by the bills include:
• The Institution of mandatory prison sentences for sex offenders whose victims are younger than 12 years of age.
• The wider implementation of GPS monitoring devices to track sex offenders who are no longer in prison.
• Preventing sex offenders from working within 1,000 feet of a day care center, school, or childcare facility.
• Allowing prosecutors to request a jury trial when trying to hold a sex offender for longer than their original sentence.
• Providing sex offenders with the option of undergoing chemically castration so that t violent impulses are inhibited or eliminated.
Legislation that would recognize rape not only as an act of force but one that includes a lack of true consent is also being considered.
Another high-level sex offender, David Flavell, was recently arrested after he was caught allegedly peeping at a woman under a bathroom stall at a Quincy store. .
Opponents of imposing harsher restrictions for sex offenders question whether tougher laws will compel sex offenders to assault again.
There are three levels of sex offenders in Massachusetts:
Level 1 Sex Offender: The Sex Offender Registry Board considers these convicted offenders at low risk for reoffense.
Level 2 Sex Offender: Their degree of dangerousness is considered moderate.
Level 3 Sex Offender: Chance of reoffense is considered high.
Lawmakers weigh bills to tighten restrictions on sex offenders, Boston Herald, February 26, 2008
Suspect in rape at library was freed sex offender,, February 1, 2008
Related Web Resources:
Levels of Sex Offenders, Continue reading