A man believed to be the sexual predator in the Beacon Street attack on a female
is also wanted for questioning in at least two other sex attacks in Boston.
The State Police Crime Lab have found forensic evidence that they believe also links the suspect to a July 2006 sexual assault case in Boston and a June rape case involving a woman Esplanade jogger.
On July 29, a woman was robbed at knifepoint and sexually assaulted early in the morning at the Charles River Esplanade. The victim of the June attack was a woman jogging close to the Massachusetts Avenue bridge.
There are different kinds of sex crimes that a person can be arrested for in Massachusetts, including:
• Sexual assault • Date rape • Rape • Statutory rape • Child molestation • Prostitution • Human sex trafficking
• Child pornography possession • Child pornography distribution
Any person convicted of a sex crime will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his or her life. A sex offender is anyone living in Massachusetts who has a sex conviction on his or her criminal record or has received an adjudication for a sex crime as a juvenile. This registry is accessible to the public.
Rape is considered first-degree sexual assault. A person can be charged with rape if alcohol or drugs were involved and the alleged victim says that he or she did not give their consent to the sex act because their ability to say no was impeded by narcotics or alcohol. Non-consensual sex that takes place under the threat of injury or violence or accompanied by physical force can also lead to a rape charge.
Statutory rape involves sexual intercourse with a minor (a person under 18 years of age). 18 years of age is considered the age of consent, and an adult who has sexual intercourse with a minor (even if the minor agreed to the sex act) can be charged with statutory rape.
Serial sex predator in Boston, Bostonnow.com, August 8, 2007
Woman assaulted, robbed on Esplanade, Boston.com, July 30, 2007
Related Web Resources:
Obtaining Information About Sex Offenders, Mass.gov
Massachusetts Law About Sex Offenders
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