We know that it’s not uncommon for college students to experiment with drugs. It’s the types of drugs they are experimenting with that may come as a surprise. Drugs like Adderall and Ritalin are commonly referred to as study drugs because they help users stay focused. These medications are usually prescribed for young people with disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), but the rate of abuse is continuing to rise.
Due to the high rate of abuse, students who have legitimate prescriptions for these drugs are often asked to share or sell them. It may seem harmless to share a prescription medication with a friend who just wants a quick study boost for an exam, but selling Adderall and Ritalin can be punished as severely as selling meth or cocaine. These drugs are classified as Schedule II controlled substances, which is the same classification given to meth and cocaine. Even possession by someone without a valid prescription can result in fines and jail time. A MA drug crimes defense lawyer can help you determine how to proceed if you are facing drug charges.
Signs of Addiction to Adderall, Ritalin, and Similar Drugs
Adderall and Ritalin are highly-addictive prescription drugs that work by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is often referred to as the “feel good” chemical. Common signs of addiction to Adderall and Ritalin include:
- Requiring a larger dose to feel the desired effects.
- Taking the medication even though you know it’s causing harm.
- Depending on the drug to finish work.
- Spending significant amounts of money to obtain the drug.
- Feeling tired or lethargic without the drug.
Penalties for Selling Adderall and Ritalin
Due to their classification as a Schedule II controlled substance, a conviction of selling Adderall or Ritalin may put you behind bars for years. Further, if you are caught selling drugs on school grounds, you may lose your federal student aid and the ability to get student loans. This is true even if you don’t see jail time. As with most crimes, the penalties for selling study drugs are largely dependent on the circumstances of the crime and prior criminal history. Penalties for selling Adderall and Ritalin may include:
- First offense: Up to one year in jail and fines of up to $1,000.
- Second and subsequent offenses: Up to 10 years in prison (with a mandatory three year term), and fines of between $1,000 and $25,000.
Diversion Programs
If you are a first-time offender and are being charged with a non-violent drug offense, you may qualify for a diversion program. MA recognizes that not all individuals charged with drug crimes are criminals. In many cases, drug crime defendants are addicts, and addiction is a disease. As such, treatment and rehabilitation is generally more effective than prison time. A skilled Boston drug crimes attorney can help you determine if you qualify for one of these programs. If you do, upon successful completion of the program, your charges will likely be reduced, or dropped entirely. Continue reading