As we start today’s blog, hoping for a more regular posting schedule than the last couple of weeks (again), we turn to the transition occurring for our kids. Namely, the school year is ending.

This week, I plan to start and end the week with stories related to school-related matters.

We turn first to North Attleboro, Massachusetts. There, a 31-year-old Middle School guidance counselor is facing charges with having sex with a 14-year-old student. At his arraignment last week, he was held on $30,000 bail.

On Tuesday, the son of longtime Boston Red Sox broadcaster Jerry Remy, Jared Remy (35 years of age and hereinafter, the “Defendant”), pleaded guilty in Woburn. He pleaded guilty to the murder of his girlfriend, Jennifer Martel (hereinafter, the “Deceased”) back in August, 2013.

He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

There was no plea bargain for a lesser sentence; there couldn’t be. He pleaded guilty to, among other charges, First Degree Murder. He received the mandated sentence for the murder as well as concurrent prison sentences for the remaining charges.

Today is Memorial Day. I know that this is not the subject matter originally intended when this holiday was named, but just the suggestion of “memories” makes me…well…remember. I think back to when things seemed more simple in many ways. Sometimes that was good, sometimes it was bad.

Often, I hear people opine that folks were more civil back in yesteryear. Well, here is a story which shows that not everybody is immediately argumentative when it comes to law enforcement. Sometimes, the alleged criminal is completely cooperative.

Maybe even too cooperative for their own good.

This morning, as I entered Brighton District Court, I noticed the familiar sight of a roomful of reporters and cameras waiting around for a chance of catching a piece of what would pass for action in the case of Andrea Massa.

Mr. Massa is the Marshfield gentleman who was arrested yesterday at the Boston University graduation. He stands accused of having tried to carry two handguns into the ceremony. Today, at his arraignment, 28-year-old Mr. Massa was ordered held on $100.000 bail according to officials.

Today was his arraignment and Massachusetts bail hearing.

As I just returned picking up my daughter at college and then drove my son and his mother to Logan Airport for his first appearance in Los Angeles, I have been kind of “offspring-minded” this week. Then, just this morning, as I was listening to WBZ radio, I heard of another one of those news stories that hits me between the eyes both as a parent and as a lawyer.

It was in Brockton. It was approximately 8:00am yesterday morning. Kids were crossing the street to board a school bus just like any other week day when Boston’s Blizzards are not standing in the way.

An automobile apparently came racing down the street and struck three of those children.

We now return to the predicament I left you in early last week. You can find it here.

A couple of weeks have gone by since your arraignment. The outlook has changed a little bit. While you were muddling through your “adventures” in the local jail, combating isolation, humiliation and fear, you received a visitor. He introduced himself as “Attorney Larry Liberty”. He explained that your family wanted to hire him as your lawyer.

He told you the amount of his fee which you found to be astronomical. He explained to you that the fee would cover both the criminal case as well as the DCF case and that it was a flat fee. You did not understand what a” DCF case” was, but you knew that any progress was likely to be good progress.

Well, it has been quite a week for Massachusetts’ Department of Children and Families.

Earlier in the week, I was going to write about, what was then the latest fiasco, You see, Grafton Police Chief Normand A. Crepeau Jr. was angry..

Chief Crepeau was angry because felt that DCF was trying to escape blame by shifting it over to his officers.

In my last blog, I mentioned that I wanted to give you a taste of what it is like to be charged with the particularly nasty crime of sexual assault. In that blog, I described some of the problems you would likely face should the charges against you be dismissed.

Later this week, I plan to update that subject with a case I witnessed only this past week. In the meantime, let’s assume that you have been charged with Massachusetts indecent assault and battery. Assume further that, while you know the man making the allegations, you do not recall attacking him in any way. However, the police called you down to the police stations to “talk” and “get your side of it”.

“Your side” was not too helpful to the Commonwealth and so the response was to take you into custody.

Today, on the Boston Herald website, Bob McGovern has posted a column entitled “Full Court Press: ‘Nolle’ process feels inadequate to innocent”. It is well worth reading and reflects a part of the message which this blog has long been trying to convey.

He tells about Ross Currier, a 26-year-old man who was charged with a recent North End sexual assault. It turns out that, after going through the hell of the kind years can be stripped from your life whatever the result, the Commonwealth said “never mind.” The Commonwealth, apparently realizing that they had the wrong man, issued a “nolle pross”.

A “nolle pross” is basically a dismissal…for now. It is actually a vehicle by which the Commonwealth seems to turn back time and simply withdraws the prosecution. The resulting dismissal is “without prejudice”. This means that the charges can be brought again any time in the future, so long as the statute of limitations has not passed.

Josh Wairi, 27, of Somerville, and hereinafter, the “Defendant”, was arrested Thursday. He is now being held without bail in federal custody until he faces a detention hearing on Wednesday.

We began discussing this case on Friday. The Defendant is/was a 5th grade teacher in Cambridge and has allegedly made all sorts of confessions for some unknown reasons.

As usual, the press have copies of the affidavit filed by law enforcement. Despite the fact that the Defendant is alleged to have admitted guilt, there is much we do not know about this case…including what, if any, defense is planned. While you might not know it to look at it, he is still presumed to be innocent.

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