Yesterday, we began discussing the saga of the Pelletiers and the horror show we call the Department of Children and Families (“DCF”). In short, the medical treatment and fate of their 15-year-old daughter (the “Child”) is at issue. The Child has been taken away from her parents (the “Family”) because there was a disagreement as to what disease the Child has. The Family has faith in an expert physician in the field who had been treating the Child for some time.
Unfortunately, Boston Children’s Hospital (“BCH”) staff disagreed with said expert as well as the hospital which HAD been treating the Child, Tufts Medical Center. Because the Family wished to follow the advice of the original doctor, BCH decided to cut off the expert and the Family from the Child. They brought in their good friend DCF to make sure that the Family’s wishes and beliefs could be disposed of like the left-over trash in the hospital cafeteria.
Over the past year, the Child has remained under DCF control and, last week, the Boston Juvenile Court ordered that not only could DCF and BCH continue its destruction, but that the Child would now be moved to foster care since, as described above, the Family could not be trusted.