Massachusetts schools and law enforcement, like many across the country, are dealing with concerns of another school shooting. In the aftermath of the Connecticut mass murder, such concern is reasonable. Are overreactions based upon rumors understandable? Is it necessary?
A couple of years ago, we had a very public tragedy happen. A young girl, a troubled young girl, committed suicide. The cause was laid at the feet of other kids. This was a great tragedy. As a result, we overreacted and ended up with new anti-bullying law that proved to do nothing other than ruin those other kids lives. This was, and is, usually our reaction. Over reaction. In these overreactions, our weapon of choice is the criminal justice system.
Attorneys Sam’s Take got involved. We discussed the matter in fairly unpopular terms because we held an unpopular opinion.
Well, Here we go again.
Yesterday, we discussed a recent matter involving threats against schools. Of course, these rumored threats are not what one would call a tragedy. The tragedies we are afraid of, many of which have happened, the actual violent acts of unspeakable proportion. One such tragedy, the worst yet at least around here, is the one which took place in Connecticut a couple of weeks ago.
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