It has become an all-too familiar part of domestic relationships. It does not matter if those relationships are romantic, paternal or even simply housemates. For years, domestic violence was ignored by society. Today, it is not only not ignored as a potential protection…it is often used as a sword to use against one’s closely tied enemies.
But that is for another day. Today, Attorney Sam’s Take discusses what one should do upon learning that a restraining order has been issued against you.
The first thing you do is ignore the immediate impulse to call the person who got the restraining order to demand an explanation. You have just received a court order not to have contact with that person. As with most court orders…you disobey it at your peril. Jail-type peril.
Actually, there are two types of restraining order that this could be. One tells you to have no contact with the person who got the restraining order and the other one tells you to not harass that person. My advice? Play it safe. Harassment can often be in the eyes of the beholder! Do not contact the person.
The person who you should contact is a criminal defense attorney to advise you in the situation.
“Why a criminal defense attorney, Sam? I did nothing wrong. Is this a criminal complaint?”
No, not yet. However, these matters are often joined with a criminal complaint. Further, if you violate the restraining order, you will be arrested. Criminal defense attorneys are best suited to handle these matters and we do so on a regular basis.
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