We have discussed many times that the criminal justice system is getting a bit close to our academic institutions. Usually I am talking about the criminalization of matters that should be handled by schools and parents.
Well, things are now changing in Dedham from the other direction.
Now, it is law enforcement turning to the schools for an extra kick in the pants for kids in trouble. Effective yesterday, Dedham public school students who get in trouble off campus may find themselves punished in school for the same offense.
This agreement between Dedham law enforcement and school officials, known as a “Memorandum of Understanding” , creates a long list of incidents that now must be reported to school principals, whether or not those incidents happen in Dedham. That list includes fights, or threats of fights, off school grounds.
Students, not surprisingly, do not like it. “I don’t think you should really get in trouble for something out of school,” says Dedham High School senior Annie Joy Abbott for example. “You’re not even on school property.”
Many patents are not fans of the “understanding” either.
Camilla Rush, for instance, is a mom with three sons, one of whom has already graduated from Dedham public schools; the other two are still students there.
“I do think that it’s good to have a backup,” Rush said. “But I think sometimes they need to let us parents be parents. Let us punish the kids. I do like if you need help, you can go to someone for backup, but let us be parents too.”