When we left off on Friday, we were discussing the recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling regarding investigations into judicial contemplation in certain cases.
How does such an investigation get started?
How do you think it gets started?
Attorney Sam’s Take On How Judicial Investigations Get Started
You know, it is a funny coincidence. These public pronouncements always seem to come from one side and one side only.
You see, judges handle a great many civil matters. One side wins and one side loses every day. In fact, there are many entities which either sue or are sued on a regular basis, simply by the nature of what they do. Do you remember the last public spectacle of a judicial inquiry?
Neither do I.
Defense attorneys and prosecutors go at it every day. Every day there are winners and losers. Do you recall there being such a public outcry for either disciplining or removing a judge because he or she was too pro-prosecution? Gee, I have heard many defense attorneys complain about certain results, but the closest I have seen them go after the judges is to file a criminal appeal.
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