Over the past year, Massachusetts motor vehicle laws have changed a bit. For example, we now have a law against texting while driving.
Apparently, our neighbor to the south, Rhode Island, would like to take anti-text laws a step further. In fact, the legislatvie battle is on to create a new juvenile offense.
It is the South Hadley to Boston bullying frenzy all over again.
Last night, I was on Fox25 interviewed on this subject and, once again, the subject touched upon the typical legislative/prosecutorial dance…only this time in Rhode Island, not Massachusetts.
As you know, as our technology has grown, so have the ways it can be misused. When we invented the telephone, for example, we provided the opportunity for crank calls and obscene calls. Now, as it has become even easier to communicate at will, via phones that text, email and soon lord-only-knows-what-else, we present the opportunity for “sexting“.
It is important to note that sexting can be done via text…or photographs.
As you would imagine, sending child pornography over texts, as it is in email and regular mail, is illegal. Heck, just possessing it is illegal.
It is also independantly illegal to send such material to kids.
Of course, kids do not always understand the ramifications and adults are not always so great in warning them about it.
Similar to bullying.
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