Seventeen years ago, an unspeakable tragedy happened. It began with the disappearance of a 10-year-old-girl named Holly Piranien. It ended with news of a Sturbridge kidnapping and, apparently, a Brimfield murder. Holly had gone out to play with kittens while her family was on vacation. Her skeletal remains were found months later approximately 5 miles away from where she disappeared.
The Grafton family waited with hope as the criminal investigation began. First step was to find Holly. After they found what remained of the young girl, the search continued so as to find her killer.
The case was never solved.
Family, friends and law enforcement have not forgotten Holly, however. In fact, a billboard along Interstate 93 in Medford stands, asking for any clues that might be available at this late date.
“Justice needs to be served so this criminal does not strike again,” Carla Piranien Bourassa, Holly’s aunt said in a statement.
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