Suffolk District Attorney Says Not Enough Evidence to Pursue Massachusetts Rape Case Against Boston Cop Accused of Assaulting Female Police Officer

Citing a lack of evidence, the Suffolk District Attorney’s office says it will not file Massachusetts rape charges against a male Boston police officer accused of sexually assaulting a fellow cop. The announcement comes after prosecutors and detectives conducted a probe into the allegations by the female officer, who says that the male cop sexually assaulted her numerous times in August and September.

Boston Police detectives examined phone records, text messages, hotel records, and other documents, as well as interviewed over two dozen people. The female officer’s husband says that he and his wife plan to keep pursuing the case. They say the sexual assaults took place in several jurisdictions, including Boston.

The female officer says that the male cop forced her to have sex on several occasions and she became pregnant. She says that she had sex with him when he demanded it because she was scared of him.

The male cop has always maintained his innocence.

Massachusetts Rape
Rape allegations are very serious accusations against someone and the punishment for committing this type of sexual assault can be very serious. Not everyone accused of rape is guilty of the crime it is important that a suspect obtain the best representation possible to ensure the best defense against these charges.

Prosecutors will not pursue rape case against Boston police officer,, November 2, 2009
Boston Cop Denies Raping Fellow Officer, WBZ, October 5, 2009
Text Messages Raise Questions About Cop’s Rape Claim, The Boston Channel, October 3, 2009

Related Web Resources:
Police Department: City of Boston

Suffolk District Attorney’s Office

A rape conviction can ruin the defendant’s life. An experienced Boston rape crimes attorney may be able to get the charges dropped or reduced. Your Massachusetts sexual assault lawyer can determine whether a plea agreement is your best alternative. If you have been convicted of rape, there may be new evidence that could allow for the verdict to be overturned.

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